(14) sun-burn - rúben dias

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It was a lovely and sunny day at the beach; the blue skies bright, no clouds obstructing the sunlight, a cool breeze blowing over the shore and very little people on the beach.

"You're gonna get sun-burn if you keep on lying in the sun like that without sunscreen." Glancing at your boyfriend, on the towel next to you, you pressed into his already red skin.

"Y/N... if you keep talking about it, it will happen but if we enjoy nature in all of her beauty, she wouldn't harm any of her children."

"Whatever you say, Rúben." You chuckled, knowing that his words were going to bite him in the ass later.

"You don't believe me." He stated, squinting his eyes in your direction. Although, you couldn't see this because his glasses kept the action hidden.

"I don't because you're gonna burn. Then, you're gonna come running back to me, later on saying I should've listened to you because guess what? I burned."

"Do you want your boyfriend to burn?" Ruben asked, accusatory. He was now leaning on his elbows as he looked you, and you looked at him with a smile on your face.

"If said boyfriend isn't listening to me then, yes, I want him to learn his lesson the hard way."

"Other people wish for happiness, good health and luck for their boyfriends. Only you wish that your boyfriend get sunburnt."

Rúben pouted, as he lifted himself up completely, and crossed his arms over his chest. It was a sight-to-see because his muscles flexed with his actions and for a second, you forgot about the sunburn issue when your attractive boyfriend was showing off in front of you.

He had on a plain black shorts that rode up on his thighs whenever he crosses his legs or stretches his tensed-up body. Of course, he had no t-shirt on (hence the sunburn issue) but the well-defined muscles and six pack was enough to compensate. Lastly, the brown pair of designer glasses he had on complemented his features - his hair, his eyebrows, his well-groomed stubble and his pretty eyes.

Yes, you are allowed to check-out your boyfriend. I mean, he is one of the most handsome men in the football world - you think planet but that would be considered subjective - and you get to go home to him everyday.

"I know what you are doing and it's not going to work."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Rúben." You chuckled, hearing the firmness in your boyfriend's voice. "Tell me what you think I'm doing."

"You're doing that thing..." He motions to your area, hands moving freely but having no direct way of pointing or saying something. "...that thing when you're giving me a sexy look and it strokes my ego so I forget about what you did."

I don't know what you're talking about..." Oh you absolutely do but you can't admit that to him now, can you?

"But I'll say sorry, I won't do that thing anymore but you do still look attractive. Hot. Sexy. Scrumptious." Inwardly, you were smiling as you saw Rúben's smug expression return back to his face.

Placing the book you brought with aside and pulling the top you had on off, you brought your hands down in front of Rúben's face, opening and closing it.

"Come on, let's go down to the beach. Get a little wet, huh? Will that make you feel better?" You asked, and got a nod as a response.

The water was cold, at first, when you dipped your toes in but the further you went in and let the water splash against your skin, the more you got used to the coldness. It wasn't long, before, the water was covering your body, stopping just below your boobs and you decided that you were far enough.

You were about to look for your boyfriend when his arms wrapped around your waist, and he kissed below your ear, "I'm here."

"I was just about to start looking for you." You said, dragging your hand through the water, noticing the sun glaring on the surface of the water.

"Well, I'm here. Isn't this nice, right? Being able to relax without worrying about work the next week or next few weeks, at that."

You hummed in response, "Yeah, you guys deserve a break after how hard you've been worked to the bone."

"It was worth it, though, to see the results at the end of the season. I wouldn't exchange it for the world and I wouldn't exchange the times we spend together for the world, either."

You smiled brightly but had a teasing lilt to your voice, "Oh, so I'm just a second thought to you?"

"Y/N..." Rúben moaned, turning you around in the water, and draped your legs around his waist. "Why do you tease me so much? I thought you loved me."

You playfully rolled your eyes and splashed water over his head, "Stop being so dramatic, I do love you."


"Ow. Ow. Ow. Dammit, that hurts." Rúben whispered to himself as he pressed on his reddened skin, looking in the mirror, he looked like a cooked lobster.

But he didn't want to admit this out loud, all he's going to get is a "I told you so" from his girlfriend and he would rather suffer in peace than admit defeat. What he didn't know, though, was that you could already see in the car when he began scratching at his red skin that he had, indeed, been sunburned.

"Rúben, love, where are you?" You yelled, searching for your boyfriend. It's a shame, you really wanted to help him because sun-burn hurts and was uncomfortable and sore for the person experiencing it.

Carrying the items in your hand, you took the stairs two at a time and made your way into the en-suite where Rúben stood naked, the shape of his shorts printed into his skin. It took so much in you to not burst out laughing but before the lesson, you wanted him to get past the worst of it.

"Come on..." You mumbled, filling the bath-tub with room temperature water and dropping a few drops of brown vinegar in it - it may smell potent but it helps with the cooling of the skin. As soon as the bath was half-full, you encouraged the man into the water and he sighed in relief, "That feels so good."

"I know." You smiled smugly and kept gently throwing the water over his shoulders, Rúben thanking you every time.

"Okay, so, there's an aloe mask that you can put on after you're done with the bath. Remember, when you're drying off you don't want to rub against your skin because that's going to irritate it even more. Dab it against your skin - also don't dry yourself until you're completely dry. Leave your skin a bit wet so when you put on the aloe lotion I left you, it can absorb into your skin better."

"Try not to wear tight clothes cause it'll rub against your skin and that's not good, so, I'll set some loose-fitting pyjamas on the bed for you."

You smiled as you left the items in the sink for him and walked out, only, to turn back and face your relaxed boyfriend who had his eyes closed.

"Rùben?" You called, and he opened his eyes looking at you.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"Thank you—"

You shook your head and smiled, "No, no, the other thing."

He sighed and deflated, "I should always listen to my girlfriend when she tells me things because she's right and I'm wrong."

"Thank you." You muttered, smiling the whole way down the stairs.

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