(36) future? - marcus rashford

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The hospital was eerily silent; not like the countless TV series that you've watched where it was in a constant state of chaos. It was new to you, visiting a hospital, and the hand that was entangled with Marcus's clenched his even harder.

This made him look up from his phone as he stared at you, "First time?"

"I mean, it's not everyday that you visit a hospital, right?"

He smiled in response, kissing your cheekbone. "But this time it's different, yeah. It's a celebration, I finally became an uncle!"

Marcus's excitable tone brought a smile to your face, "Yes, yes. You're an uncle now, we get it."

"That I am..." He confirmed as he stopped in his tracks, facing you, and halting your movements by pulling you closer. "That means you're an aunt now too."

"Oh, does it?" There was so much confidence in your voice, but the redness spreading from your cheeks down to your neck spoke the complete opposite.

Marcus had an eye for pretty people and you were no exception; walking up to you in the mini-bar and immediately starting a conversation. It lasted into the dead of night, ending with a stroll on the beach and an exchange of numbers. He didn't wait long — not like the other guys you've texted — to send a text, wanting to see you again and take you on an official date. Funnily enough, the relationship bloomed in that small hotel in the Maldives and you've been going strong ever since.

Just a few months ago, his mum invited the two of you to brunch making it the first time you would be meeting "the family." To say you were nervous and shitting bricks would be the biggest understatement of the year, but that is exactly what you were doing.

Luckily, Marcus was an understandable person and didn't pressure you to accept the invitation. No matter how prepared he was to introduce you to the family, it all depended on what you wanted to do. So you can imagine his excitement when you came to him and showed him the message to his mother, accepting the brunch invitation.

Marcus hummed as he kissed you again, "Hm, Aunty Y/N. Does that not have a nice ring to it?"

"Now that you've said it out loud..." There is a crack in the smile that you've tried to hide. "...it does sound nice. Different. Refreshing."

Marcus lets out a small chuckle as he kisses you for the third time, "There we go." He mumbled. Getting ahold of your hand again, he leads the way to the front desk where he converses with the nurse in quiet murmurs.

It wasn't long before Marcus thanked the nurse, with one of his heart-warming smiles, and tells you the exact floor his brother and sister-in-law is on — the maternity ward. At this front desk, they couldn't carelessly give out that information but all Marcus had to do was make his way to the maternity ward and explain he was visiting family.


There was a soft knock on the door. For someone with Marcus large hands, he gently rapped his knuckles against the wooden door. A muffled "come in" was heard and both, you and Marcus, shook with excitement as he gripped the sliding door and opened it. All there was was a baby blue curtain protecting the room from outsiders trying to peep in but once you and Marcus passed that, it was all decorations that littered the room.

It's a boy!
Well done, Mum.
A little one.
A very special baby. 

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