(6) sunday routines - son heung-min

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The smell of French toast— no, it wasn't French toast, maybe it was pancakes? But his pancakes never smells this sweet, with a fruitiness wafting in the air. It was waffles. Son loves having his waffles with fruit, better yet, with a bowl of fresh cream and syrup on the side. A nice pot of freshly brewed green tea, as well.

It brought a smile to your face because it reminded you that it was Sundays - your favourite day of the week. Simply, because you get to spend the rest of the day with him doing whatever you want.

To the aquarium? He loves the penguins.

To the museum? He loves how excited you get.

To the movie theatre? He gets to pick the film.

Quite frankly, you could drag him all around London and he'll do it happily, with a smile on his face, and his camera open ready to capture the cute moments of you.

"Knock knock..." He whispered, before opening the door. The white sheets had you completely hidden from his sight, making him chuckle, as he walked in further.

"I know you're awake. If not, then I must not have made my waffles that good." He claimed, walking around the bed and brushing your hair out of your face. He traced the scar you got on your cheek from running into a pole straight on to your nose with its smooth arch and moving to your lips - still soft and plump.

Son could probably sit back on his ankles and study your face whole day, he thinks you're the prettiest woman who has ever graced this planet. He told you so when he met you at his welcoming party a few years ago at Tottenham and he'll keep on reminding you. You've been good friends for a couple of years before he asked you out on a date - you definitely fell first but he fell harder. That first date solidified everything for you two - the fact that you couldn't imagine a life without the other in it. It wasn't long before he was meeting your family and he flew you out to Chuncheon, South Korea to meet his. Now here you were, a few years later, recently signed the lease of an apartment together and waking up to breakfasts-in-bed.

"Are you crazy? Your food smells delicious." You grumbled, still in your morning voice. Didn't even want to attempt to open your eyes with the blinds open.

"There she is."

"Good morning..." He mumbled as he planted a kiss on your temple.


You heard the sound of his slippers disappear out of the room and that was perfect as you wanted to stretch and make all kinds of weird sounds that goes with it. After it was done and you checked your phone, you made sure to do your business in the bathroom, brushing your teeth, and washing your face before walking out and into the kitchen.

"Morning." You greeted your boyfriend and kissed him on his lips, to which he pulled you back and kissed you again.

"I thought we said morning already?" He smirked as he hugged you close, "But if this is how I get greeted, I'll say morning a hundred times."

Laughter escaped you as you pulled away and pinched his cheeks, his cute chubby cheeks that you always tease him about. "Y/N..."

"Sonny..." You moaned in the same tone.


"So what is on the agenda today? Do you want to go anywhere? A walk? Ice-skating?"

You wiped your mouth with a cloth before downing a bit of juice to wash the waffles down, "If it's okay with you, I'd like to stay inside?"

Son thought it over as he took a sip of his tea and enthusiastically nodded his head, "We can watch a movie, movies."

"Yeah, that'll be fun."

Son added another waffle to your plate and you thanked him for it, "We can watch the best franchise."

"Oh so Marvel movies—"

"Maybe a little DC universe—"

Both of your movements halted mid-way as you slowly turned to each other, "Don't make me move out." You playfully warned him.

"You can't think Marvel is better than DC?"

You raised your eyebrows, "You think DC is better?" Laying your napkin down, you folded your hands and looked at your peculiar boyfriend. He was trying to genuinely come up with reasons as to why DC movies were better than Marvel.

The food has long been abandoned since the rest of the morning was a debate between you and Son on which is the better franchise and who makes the better movies... You clearly won but shh, he doesn't need to know that.



You hummed in response, your attention on the TV at some random movie that you chose. The debate had been left hanging after neither wanted the other one to watch their favourite, so, it was settled on a random movie.

"What do you think about moving in together?"

You turned around from under Son's arm which was wrapped around your shoulders and looked at him in confusion, "We moved in already."

He rolled his eyes as he blew a breath of air out, "I know but how do you find it. Do you like it? Is there anything I can change to make it better?"

It was a question that you actually pondered over. Was there anything that you wanted differently? Is there any traits that you hated so much you wish you could change it? Are you genuinely enjoying sharing the apartment with him? Yes, yes you think you do. You're sure that there are problems that would arise in the future, nothing is set in stone, but for now you are really enjoying sharing the space with him.

You smiled at him nuzzling your face in his neck, "I love it here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Curling into his side, you placed your hand on his stomach and started writing something in Korean.

"Really? Cause that's how I feel." He kissed your head and then your cheek and then your lips.

"And I love you too." He says after sounding out the Korean syllables which matches up to "I love you."

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