(8) feed me! feed me! - richarlison

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You turned the ignition off, peeping in the rear-view mirror to see your son - Dani - still fast asleep, his head lolling to the front and his curled up fists on his knees. With a smile on your face, you got out and walk to the back seats, where his car-seat was located, and opened the door.

"Let's go, baby, let's get ready to see Daddy." You whispered as you removed the toddler and situated him in your arms, his head rolling on your shoulder.

"Come on..." You edged the boy, rubbing his back. "You were so excited this morning, huh? Daddy would love to see you awake."

The groan of Dani was a good enough answer that he didn't want his sleep to be disturbed. "Okay then, I'll wake you up when Daddy comes."

Locking the car, you walked across the parking lot to the glass doors, waiting on the automatic doors to open as soon as the receptionist noticed you. "Hi." You said, signing in the visitor's sheet, and taking a seat in the waiting area, this is the best you can do since Dani can also be more comfortable sitting up-sleeping on your legs.


It was the familiar voices of your boyfriend's teammates which made you lock your phone and set it aside, in your bag, paying attention to be able to see Richarlison.

Dani was awake now but still rested against your chest, quietly playing with his toy Spider-Man. "Not too long now, love." You mumbled against his head before kissing it.

You may begin to wonder, how did you end up in this situation, waiting for Richarlison, at the Hotspur Way training ground, with a passive and clingy child?

It all started this morning - when you found that Dani had sneaked out of his room again to cuddle in between you and Richarlison. So attached to his father he was that you would, almost always, find him close to Ri in any and all ways possible. It was all fine and cute up until the moment he had to leave for training when the screaming and crying started. You assumed that it just one of those days that he preferred his father's company instead of yours, it didn't bother you much really, you could get work done that way.

But Dani just didn't want to let go. Only with a pinky-promise from Ri and a kiss and a hug to spend the afternoon together, did he finally let go. So, this morning you saw your boyfriend off with a sniffling toddler at your side.

It was a cute sight; and you could easily put him down for a nap since all that crying tired him out very quickly.

"Y/N!" Richarlison excitedly called your name, as he turned around the corner with some of his teammates, "Dani!"

Your son's head snapped up immediately, recognising his father's voice among the others. He rushed to get off your lap, struggling in the process, and you had to help him. But as soon as those little legs hit the ground, he was sprinting to Richarlison who caught him in his arms and threw him up in the air.

"Ri—" You panicked, your heart rate only slowing down when your son wasn't floating in the air anymore. Harry and Son, who was walking alongside him, laughed at the image - an excited father and son and a panicked mother.

"Relax, I got you. Don't I?" Ri was now tickling the wriggling child in his arms, repeating the sentence and laughing as Dani's giggles got louder.

"Hey Y/N." Harry and Son greeted as they walked towards you, embracing you in a tight hug. It's been a while since you've all been out together.

"How's the wife and kids at home?"

"They're doing fine, missing them a lot today."

"Aww, tell them I say hi and we should definitely hang out sometime." You squeezed Harry's arm as he hugged you again before he left.

Feeling Son nudge your side, you turned to him, "Stop letting him hang out with Dani. He's becoming a child himself. Moaning and pouting all around in training." He whispered, looking at Ri.

Ri squinted his eyes and tried to walk as quickly as he could with Dani in his arms and holding onto his boots. "Anything he's telling you is false, don't believe him."

"I'm not lying. You do pout when you in training, I'll ask the others." Son raised his voice in response, pointing at your boyfriend causing you to laugh at the three children you see in front of you.

"Next time, Son..." You pulled him aside and whispered in his ear, "...Record him then I'll have something to tease him about, yeah?" He nodded his head enthusiastically. He turned around once more to give Dani a high-five before greeting everyone and being on his way.

"Hey, you haven't greeted me yet. Can't believe Harry and Son got kisses from you before I did, your own boyfriend." Ri was eagerly pointing to himself and puckering his lips.

You laughed at his foolishness and, finally, kissed your boyfriend to which he let out a cheer followed by celebrating with Dani.


The park wasn't that full; figures since it was mid-afternoon and everyone is either still in school or at work. It gave you enough time to have lunch and watch Dani play around with the ball, and then play football with Ri.


You looked up from the book in your lap, "Mommy!"

Dani screamed as he came running to you. Out of breath and pointing in the direction he came from, seeing Ri coming on, he excitedly pointed, "Ducks, mommy! We saw ducks. On the water, big and small ducks." 

"Ducks?" You asked, surprised.

Dani nodded like he couldn't believe it himself, showing the size of the ducks, exaggerating their sizes like a small kid would.

"Oh, that's wonderful, baby. Did you like seeing the ducks?"

He looked like one of those bobble-head toys with how much he was nodding his head, "Did Daddy also enjoy the ducks?" You asked looking up at Richarlison who, thankfully, blocked the sun from your struggling eyes.

"Daddy loved the ducks. Got chased by one though, it was so scary right Dani?"

"Not scary, Daddy, funny."

You were biting on your lip to not burst out laughing, "You... got chased... by... ducks."

The laughter escaped you before you could stop it, Richarlison started pouting and started frowning.

"Oh, I'm sorry." You said, motioning to your legs. "Come lay here, let me examine you and see if you have any injuries. My poor baby..."

Richarlison flopped onto your legs, Dani flopped onto his and you started tracing the features of his face.

The protruding cheekbones and his sharp-nose. Cupid-bow formed lips and the lightest shade of pink, "Mommy knows that a kiss will make it better, yes?"

You knew that Richarlison was trying his luck because of the smirk he had on his face and the damned wink but Dani took your words to heart and nodded along to his fathers words.

"Okay, here goes." You said as you moved to kiss him on his lips, only to change course and kiss his cheeks instead.

Dani laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

Richarlison moaned for a long time after that until you had finally given him his kiss. Like the big baby he was, Son was right earlier.

It was close to evening-time when you decided to pack up and go home, the day started off rocky but was well-spent. As you were packing the things away and Richarlison was securing Dani in his car seat did he make an absurd comment,

"Dani is getting so big now. You know..." He stretched the sentence out longer than needed, "...Dani told me he wanted a brother or sister to play with."

The car-keys fell on the floor as you gave Ri an incredulous look, "If you are carrying the baby then sure, let's go for it." You smiled, picking your keys up and getting ready to leave, leaving Richarlison stunned.

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