(25) broken-heart - mason mount

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The air inside the room was humid; you could've blamed it on the English summer heat but it wasn't that. It's because Mason's hand was splattered flat on your back, his arm resting on your protruding hip as his head rested on the pillow closest to you.

It was difficult trying to hold yourself back from placing a kiss on his pouted lips, the pinkness a contrast to his light skin colour. He was a light sleeper, therefore, you didn't want to disturb his night-time rest - the recent move to Man United taking a toll on his health.

"Do your best out there, Mase, I'll be rooting for you." You said, whispering, hoping that he catches the words in his dreams.

"That means a lot, Y/N. Thank you."

Widening your eyes at his sluggish reply, not expecting him to be awake, you adjusted the pillow so you could see him - in all of his glory.

He squinted his eyes, probably, trying to adjust to the dark. It didn't help that the moon shone through the thin curtains behind you, just creating a silhouette of your figure. But, as soon as he started to make out the features of you that he really liked, he brought his face closer to yours.

"Promise me something?" He asked, eyes boring into your soul.

"Yeah?" You replied, eager for his next words.

"Stay with me until the end?" He said.

Biting on the inside of your cheek to hide your smile, "Who said you could get rid of me that easily, Mase?"

He offered you one of his small smiles, the kind that is only reserved for you, as he pushes you closer to his body - closer than you were before. His fingertips that pressed against your back burned through the cotton pyjamas you had on and you, then, wrapped your arm around his neck. The action brought your faces just millimetres from each other, already, being able to feel his breath on your lips.

Closing your eyes, you patiently waited for the kiss that it never came.


The name slipped out of your mouth, by accident, and you found your arm laying over your eyes. His face disappearing from your vision as soon as you lifted it up, and took in the surroundings of where you actually were.

Nowhere near where Mason was, at least.

Sighing, you flipped the thin sheets from your body as it bundled on top of the person sharing your bed. There wasn't enough time to search for your bed-slippers, therefore, you walked on the cold tile with your bare feet - appreciating the shock to your system.

How long has it been? A couple of weeks since the break-up, since you fucked up and ruined the relationship.

It's t laughable, because, the guy you ruined your long-time relationship with Mason was still sleeping in your bed while you longed for another. For the very man that you betrayed - Mason.

You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, the blanket at the end of the couch, your phone and a pack of cigarettes on your way to the balcony. It had always been a sanctuary for you, a space in which you felt safe and could spend hours upon hours with your thoughts - without feeling restrictive.

The space was still clean from when you cleaned it earlier in the week and you could, comfortably, snuggle under your blanket as you swiped through your contacts.

Mase <3

You didn't have the guts to change it, so you left it as is. It didn't feel right that you changed his name despite not talking to him in a couple of weeks — ever since he caught you cheating. For you, it felt like a million years had passed as you began fixing yourself up and looked up to see Mason standing in the doorway. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand, a bag of take-out in another, and a smile that disappeared so quickly as he noticed the other man in the room with you - fixing his clothes.

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