(10) maid of honour - declan rice

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Okay, you were not getting married, like ever.

The mountain of stress that your best friend and her fiancé had had to endure, all for a couple of hours of "partying" you were quick to say, was not worth it. If you loved someone enough, why not hold a private ceremony with a few friends and family, vows, kiss, and be on your way! Guests, be damned.

"Long day?" The bartender asked you, handing you a glass of - what looks to you - like some kind of alcohol. You shook your head telling him you don't drink and he nodded his head, removing the glass,

"The longest. Let me tell you something..." You searched for his name tag, and found it. "...Conner, was it? If you have any plans to get married, take my advice and don't."

Connor chuckled in amusement, "You the bride?"

"No, the maid-of-honour."

Connor winced in response and you nodded your head, "Yep. Didn't even mean to be, but you see, the bride's sister could not make it and so I was thrusted into this role. Never doing it again..." You shook your head in defeat. "At least, not willingly."

Connor was about to say something when a large party of the groomsmen entered the venue, raising noise levels as they walked. Instinctively, you turned your head and made eye contact with the middleman - who everyone seems to be cheering on. He held your eyes for a few seconds before smiling and disappearing up the stairs, his dark gaze leaving you.

"Men." You uttered as Connor burst out in laughter, replacing the earlier glass with a bottle of water.

Connor was great conversation for the few minutes you needed to cool down and you were enjoying his company until you heard a voice beside you, "Is the bar open yet?"

It was the man from earlier. Now when you're looking at him, he's easier on the eyes - the primly styled hair, piercing blue eyes with a hooded gaze and his well-trimmed stubble. A lovely round face and his small smile, directed at you, as he pulled out his wallet.

"I'll have a rum and coke, more chaser than alcohol please. I can't ruin my friend's wedding." He said. Placing cash on the counter, he took a seat slightly leaned towards you.

"Actually this is an open ba—"

"Connor..." You called, taking the cash and putting it in his hands, "...let's get the lovely gentleman his drink."

Connor hesitantly smiled and tightened his grip on the money, winking secretly, you turned and smiled at the handsome stranger.

"Declan." He reached a hand out, and you made sure to shake it. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Declan."

Crossing your legs in the space where his was open, his blue eyes followed your movement and you'd swear - on your life - that you saw his mouth twitch in a sliver of a smirk. He's a man, after all, they all follow their instincts downstairs before their logic upstairs.

It's a good thing you wore your favourite summer dress, not wanting to ruin your maid-of-honour dress just yet, because you were having fun, teasing, flirting with Declan.

He chuckled leaning with his arm atop the counter, taking a sip from the glass Connor had just put down, "I didn't get your name."

"I didn't give it to you."

Declan full-on laughed now, "Oh, so that's how we playing it. It's okay, this isn't my first time."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Declan. Mind elaborating for a bit?" You feigned innocence as your fingertips were pressing into the skin of your thighs. Using the opportunity, you leaned forward exposing your chest.

"In fact, I was just enjoying my drink when a handsome stranger came up to me and started speaking, really, out of my control."

It was hilarious how Declan's eyes were trying to follow your eyes but the position you were in made it hard, "You think I'm handsome?"

"Of course I do—" You started but was cut off by your phone ringing, knowing it could be one - and only person calling - you sighed, "Duty calls, Declan."

Standing up in-between his legs, your chest so close to his face as he stares up at you - in awe and amazement - you express regret, "I'll see you around, Declan. Keep an eye out for me."


You were still smiling at the interaction earlier, you got a scolding from your friend for "disappearing" for a while but it was so, so, so worth it. The look of Declan's face as you were walking away (yes, you did look back) was so satisfying, you could still flirt, at least.

Looking around, you only noticed the bridesmaids in the foyer of the church and were about to inquire about this to one of the other girls before the groomsman, finally, came around the corner. "Places everyone!" Yelled the event manager and everyone scattered.


That voice sounded familiar. Awfully familiar. Frowning, you turned around only to see the guy from the bar as he mirrored your reaction. "It's the pretty girl from the bar." He pointed and laughed.

Closing your eyes, you tried to not show how much that comment affected you but your reddened cheeks and neck did not lie.

Declan looked quite... different when he was in fancy dress. His undercut was now visible as his hair defied gravity, the small blemishes now covered with make-up and his pink lips with a little more life in them. He had on the same outfit as the other groomsmen but his broad shoulders and toned, slim body with a tailored suit to, exactly, fit his body made him stand out more.

Your heart was definitely beating faster than what you were used to, taken aback by how good-looking Declan was now.

"Can I know your name now, at least? Since we're partners and all." He asked, pining his cuff links and trying to pin the flower arrangement on his suit. You placed your hand over his, gently taking the decoration piece and successfully pinning it to his suit.

"It's Y/N."

Smiling as you dusted his suit off, appreciating the grateful and cute smile, you might add, your way. "It's so pretty."

Holding out his arm, he waited for your hands to hook into his elbow as he reversed the roles this time - laying his hand over yours,

"I can't wait to get to know you, Y/N."


"Why didn't you tell me you were the maid-of-honour?" Declan whispered in your ear, needing to be that close as the loud music made it difficult to speak at a reasonable space.

"I didn't feel the need to, wanted to see what you were about at first."

"Were you happy then?"

Declan twirled you around the dance floor, swaying to the love-song that was currently playing as if the two of you were in a world of your own. Maybe, you guys were, because everyone's eyes were on you - the couple who could not stop looking in each other's eyes with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, by the way... I heard from my friend that it was an open bar."

You acted confused but Declan wasn't falling for it, "Oh, I didn't know—"

"Pay me back." He whispered, as you laid your chin on his shoulder, "Go on a date with me."

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