(31) i love you - pablo gavi

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(dedicated to Luna_Sage1 )

Paint & Date

Never in your 19 years of living in the city of Los Palacios y Villafranca had there been a place called: Paint & Date. The fact that it was painted in a pastel blue colour, a bright neon cursive sign and the different kinds of flowers that edged the entrance didn't even make it unbelievable.

It was that the city was relatively small. There was always someone who knew someone who knew someone. That someone could always be traced back to you — in the form of a brother, or cousin or a friend. The best thing about that, though, is that they have the latest news about the latest restaurants, clubs and potential date spots.

Nowhere did you hear about Paint & Date.

So, that leaves only two options: Paint & Date had an invisible cloak or it was newly opened. It had to be the newly opened option since this is not a Harry Potter film.

"Is this a new place?"

Gavi, who had his hand held out for you as the other leaned on the car door, looked up at the name and nodded. "Just opened. The owner is a family friend and invited me, and any company I had. On the house."

"Oh..." You exclaim in wonder. Grabbing his hand in yours, you elegantly got out of his car as he closed the door behind you. "That's sweet of them."

"Yeah. My mom invited him to our house where she made a feast in his honour. The party continued into the early hours of the morning, and everyone was still drunk the next day."

He lightly chuckled as he shook his head, "I still have embarrassing pictures of them on my phone."

"Okay, master manipulator. What are you going to do with them?"

He shrugged his shoulders in return, a mischievous smile on his face. "That depends on them."

"Okay, okay. I see you and I see what you can do. I'll need to watch my back from now on." Saying this has Pablo swinging you around to face him, a couple of strands from his curled hair hanging on his forehead.

He shakes his head, a small smile still on his face, as his hands move to cup your waist. The sundress you have on riding up a little as he grips on the fabric, fingertips clenching the meat around your waist.

"I could never blackmail you, mi amor." He whispers. The strawberry breath — reminiscent of a sweet you gave to him earlier — hitting the gloss on your lips.

"You're too nice and kind for that. There would be no need for me to do such a thing."

All you could do was laugh as he egged you on, towards the bright entrance.


Paint & Date would forever go down as your favourite place to visit; not only because it was a date with Pablo but it was your two favourite concepts into one. Painting. Eating. In one building.

There was two floors. A small circular stairs connecting the two and getting to the 2nd floor meant that you had seen all the artwork littered on the walls. Of any and all kinds: hands (adults and babies), cartoons, flowers and beautifully painted people. Hopefully, after today, both yours and Pablo's paintings could join them.

"This is so beautiful." You said, appreciatively. Pablo was leading you to a small table where two canvases, two easels facing each other and a variety of paints on a small table.

"We're painting?" Excitement evident in your voice, Gavi nodded.

He watched you, his girlfriend, with a smile on his face as you skipped towards the set-up. The bag swinging beside you as you circled the space, touching and feeling everything that you hold dear to you.

Pablo knew that this would be a fantastic date. More so because it involves your career — painting — and since not a lot of people knew about this place yet, there was not a huge crowd. He knew that you worked best on your own, soft music in the background and the company of him. Not to brag but your best artworks had come from days the two of you spent time together.

"This is so amazing!" You exclaimed, skipping back to your boyfriend. Throwing your arms around him, you squeezed him into the tightest hug you could.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you for this, Pablo." You said.

I don't need the thanks..." He fixed the two blue coloured plaits hanging beside your face and then moved to cup your face. "I just want you to enjoy yourself, ?"

Profusely nodding your head, you agreed, "Sí."

"Okay, let's paint!" Shouting, you threw your arms up in the air. All he could do was laugh at your silly antics, give you a kiss on the cheek as he walked by and sat on the stool. Preparing his brushes, he started small conversations with you and so the rest of the afternoon continued.


Just over an hour ago, he stopped painting to order lunch and that was the little break you two had. Gavi found an old blanket and laid it on the floor, and it became a mini picnic/painting date.

But what was funny was that he couldn't go back to painting, not when you looked as gorgeous as you did. The late-afternoon sun hitting the edges of your face and highlighting the blue streaks in your hair compared to the rest of the jet black strands. He didn't know if it was a conscious choice that the streaks matched your eyes — not match match — but they were so blue and so captivating.

Especially when, once in a while, it would lock onto him and you'd give him one of your signature smiles. Lips curved up to a certain corner and a peace sign — he once asked why and you said it always felt natural.

He needs to say something, his chest bursting with emotion, his mouth itching to say it.

"I love you."

"Excuse me?" You asked, eyes still focused on the canvas.

"I love you."

He said, projecting his voice. Eyes locked in on yours, he could see every emotion flashing in them. Recognition. Joy. Happiness. He knows how each and every one of these emotions look on you, and it's clear as day.

You're as happy as he feels.

"Pablo..." You softly whisper, a tug in your throat as you set the brushes down and make your around to his side. Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, resting your chin on his head.

"I love you too." The words are said.

"I think I've loved you for a while already. I just didn't know what it was because I've never felt like this for anyone else, only you. I didn't know how to say it to you but today, now, it just seem like the perfect time—"

"It was..." Cutting him off, you happily nodded your head. "It was the perfect time, Pablo."

"I love you." You re-iterated the words. The smile on Pablo's face could not be described but if you had to, it would be the definition of true happiness.

"I love you too. So so so much."

All it took was a flick of his eyes to your lips for you to get the message and within seconds, it was pressing against his. Gavi kissed similar to the way he treated you, gentle and kind but with a strong hold. He didn't mind pulling you closer by wrapping his arms around your middle, splaying his fingers on your back.

It was cute how he had his neck stretched to reach you, as he was still sat on his stool and you stood in between his legs, twirling the hairs with your fingers.

"I love you." He whispered on your lips, placing a kiss on the before pulling apart. Looking a mess, he cheekily smiled as he laid his head against your chest.

"I love you. It feels so good to say that aloud."

Needless to say that his feelings for you were confirmed when you revealed the painting and it was a flower (a rose) with the official colours of Barcelona as the petals.

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