(27) jealousy - kepa arrizabalaga

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"What do you think about seafood paella for dinner?"

Kepa tilted his head to the side, in thought, as he stroked the stubble that littered all around his jaw. His dark, bushy brows drew together in a frown as he looked at the frozen packets of seafood meat in the freezers and then down at your shopping cart.

"What do you want to make? Do you think paella might be easier to make?" He asked.

You snorted, leaning on the metal part of the shopping cart. "Who says I'm going to make it? It's your country's specialty, so, you'll make it."

"Wow." Kepa exclaimed, boredom laced in his tone, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I haven't made it in a while, though, so I don't know how it'll taste."

"I still have your mom's recipe. From the time she gave it to me." You rebutted, not backing down.

Quite honestly, you wouldn't have minded making the paella but it just tastes that much better when Kepa makes it. Don't ask what he does differently because you've tried to follow his mom's recipe to a tee but it never tastes the same. He teases that it's in the Arrizabalaga-Revuelta genes, the talent of food tasting great just comes naturally to them.

"She had written everything down so you'll be able to re-create the dish, yeah?"

Kepa kept a straight face as you walked closer to him and embraced him into a hug, your arms encircling his middle as you looked up at your boyfriend. He sneaked a glance at you but, quickly, averted his eyes when he saw you were watching him — very closely at that.

"Kepa..." You dragged his name out, in a sing-song manner, as you moved him from side-to-side.

Yes, it might have looked odd seeing two grown adults act like children in the middle of the frozen meats aisle but seeing his resolve crumble, you deemed it worthwhile.

"Okay, okay, Fine. I'll make it for us." He sighed in exaggeration as he hugged you back, stroking your back.

"Thank you." You whispered. Removing yourself from his body after giving him a kiss on his neck, you turned around to face the freezers and started taking out what you needed.

"I'll be back, okay, just going to fetch something." You nodded in response as you placed the items in the shopping cart, separating them from your other groceries.

The dinner that you had planned to attend with your friends was cancelled, therefore, you were forced to improvised tonight's supper. But, as you and Kepa scavenged the fridge and cupboards for food, you realised that you had desperately needed to make a trip to the grocery store. It was an impromptu trip, of sorts, as you threw on the first clothes you saw and Kepa walked around in a black shorts and white sweater. 

No effort was made, whatsoever, but that was what you loved about these impromptu trips.

It must have been a while after Kepa left when you heard your name being called. Looking around, you noticed a man walking up to you, a huge smile on his face.

"Y/N?" He asked.

Hesitantly, you nodded your head. "That's me. Who are you, might I ask?"

The (kind-of attractive) man slapped his forehead — with force — startling you before he obnoxiously laughed. "It's me, Daniel—"

"Danny?" You exclaimed, in surprise.

The guy— Daniel enthusiastically nodded his head as he opened his arms for hug to which you returned. He was much taller than what you remembered from high school, but then again, you never paid much attention to him.

"I can't believe it's you. It must be more than ten years since I've seen or heard from you."

"Yeah..." He exclaimed, his face brighter than a few moments before, "...it has been years. Gosh, how are you doing? You still look as good as back then."

"Oh..." You cleared your throat as you awkwardly smiled at him, not knowing to thank him for the compliment. In the end, you just did.

"...thank you. Um, I've been very good and you?"

"Cool, cool and cool." He replied.

There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air. It was true that you had known the man — then boy — from high school but you weren't really close. He chased after the friend group, because of his crush on you, and always wanting to be close to you.

"So..." He began but was cut off by Kepa calling your name.


Kepa smoothly slid in next to you as he glanced at the male figure. Without realising it, you let out an inner-sigh of relief as you drew closer to your boyfriends side. He, first, placed his tray of red bull that he had in his hand in the shopping cart before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

Daniel's eyes followed the movement, and maybe it was your imagination, but you swore that you saw a tick in his jaw. It disappeared as quick as you saw it — or you think you did.

"Should we not be on your way now, Y/N? A lot of shopping to do." Kepa smiled at you, and then Daniel, an apologetic expression on his face.

Glancing at the already full cart, you nodded your head and smiled at Daniel. "It was nice seeing you."

"Yeah, you too. I hope to see you around, Y/N."

"Haha, yeah. See you."


"I didn't like him."

You hummed as you scratched through the shopping bags, packing groceries away in their designated places. Kepa stood on the opposite side of the granite counter gathering the utensils for the bathroom.

"That guy in the grocery store, I didn't like him. There's just something that felt off about him. I can't describe it."

"You felt it too, huh?" You asked, stopping your actions looking over at Kepa.


"And it had nothing to do with jealousy?" You asked teasingly, biting your lip to hold back your smile.

"What?" Kepa exclaimed. "No, I mean I didn't like the way he was looking at you but that had nothing to do with it."

"I wouldn't have minded..." You trialed off, quietly, insinuating something. "...I really like when you get jealous."

The surprise on Kepa's face hastily disappeared as he walked around to where you were standing. He tapped the counter, and you understood what it meant, so you jumped atop of the marble as Kepa made himself comfortable between your legs.

"Oh, I'm so mad." He growled in faux annoyance. "Doesn't he know that you belong to me. I wanted to gouge his eyes out for even looking at you the way he did."

He tried copying an angry face but it just made you burst into laughter as it looked more like a puppy trying to be tough. Smoothing out his frown, you traced out his features and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Forget what I said earlier. I like you better when you are yourself."

He pushed his chest out, hitting it like a monkey, but it lead him into a coughing fit instead. "I can be tough when l want to be."

You shook your head, "No, you can't be, Kepa. You are literally the sweetest person on this planet. Don't change, yeah?"

"I won't. Not if it means you'll like me less." He admitted, laying his head on your chest, your boobs providing a cushion for his head.

"I could never like you any less, no matter what you do."

"Yeah?" His voice grew thick as he started at you in your eyes. The fact that you were on the counter didn't matter because he was still level with you when it came to height.

"Yeah." You breathed, closing the gap between your faces.

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