Chapter 15

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Jirou was running when she abruptly stopped and opened a door. Inside the room, were Kuro and All Might, or, as Jirou now knew him, Mr. Yagi.

Toshinori: Ah, Young Jirou. Glad to hear you passed.

Jirou: Mr. Yagi... what...? How...?

Toshinori: I'll tell you everything. But I want you to keep it a secret.

Jirou nods as she looked over at Kuro, who was staring at his legs and had his head held down. 

And so, he told the girl everything. How he was indeed, the Symbol of Peace, All Might, how he took Kuro under him as his son, how he had gotten injured in his battle against All for One all those years ago. 

Jirou: That's... a lot to take in... WAIT! THEN ALL THOSE TIMES WHEN I TOLD YOU HOW COOL ALL MIGHT IS, YOU...!

Realization struck Jirou, as she started to turn red in embarrassment.

TOshinori: *chuckles* Yeah... But Kuro...

The man turned to face Kuro, as the mood took a complete 180. The happy mood was replaced by a serious and tense mood.

Toshinori: Whatever has been going on... it hasn't been the nightmares, right...?

Kuro silently nods.

Toshinori: Is it All for One? Did he do anything?

Kuro: *hoarse-voice* When... When I met him at USJ, he... he talked to me...

Jirou: Wait! All for One was at USJ?!

Kuro: No... the Kurogiri villain teleported me to him...


Kuro: I lied... I'm sorry...

Jirou: *sigh* Continue...

Kuro: When we met... he... he showed me my real parents... right before killing them right in front of me... he said... he... he...

Toshinori rubs the boy's back affectionately as Kuro takes a long breath before continuing.

Kuro: He told me that the better I get at using my quirk... the easier it will be for him to take control of me...

Toshinori: Kuro...

Kuro: He said that next, it was my turn... I... I didn't know what to think... his voice haunted me the whole time... so, I decided to not train my quirk at all...

Jirou: Wait... did you... did you start to ignore me because you thought he might target me...?

Kuro: ...

Jirou slowly starts to walk towards Kuro as she raises her hands. Kuro closed his eyes, ready for a slap, but it never came.

Jirou was hugging the boy.

Jirou: Don't ever do such a thing... idiot...

Kuro: Jirou... I...

Jirou: *smiling* You don't need to say anything else to me.

Toshinori: Kuro... listen... All for One is a sadistic, manipulative man who has lived for centuries... It's okay to be scared... but you don't have to do stuff like this... Stop thinking that if you get better at using your quirk, it will be easier for him to "take control" of you... Think that if you get better at using your quirk, you'll have a better fighting chance against that man... But don't worry, even about that... because if he wants to get to you...

He starts to turn into his buff form.

All Might: He'll have to go through me first... You are not anyone's puppet, boy... You are your own person... now watch, as a pro leaves to make two boys work together to pass!

Hello, my name is Kuro (Jirou X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now