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All Kuro could do, was just keep sitting on the ground, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

He grabs his head and squirms on the ground in pain, as Toshinori instantly ran to his son's aid.

Toshinori: Kuro! What's wrong?! Are you alright?! Talk to me, my boy!

Kuro's hand turns paper white, as he tells a final time, before falling in Toshinori's arms. Unconscious.

With Garaki and the Nomus gone, this sudden ambush at UA had ended. Luckily, from the teamwork and quick decision making skills of the staff and Nezu, not even a single person was even remotely injured.

The fact that the students even managed to hold their own against multiple of the creature that seemed to give All Might himself a hard time, did nothing but strengthen the trust in the heroes.


We see a pitch black void, as the beeping of a heartbeat monitor echoes over and over.

Suddenly, a light appears almost at the horizon, as we see Kuromaru open his eyes. He had an oxygen mask placed upon his face.

Kuro: Where... Am I...?

A weak voice comes from the side.

???: So you're finally up, huh?

He looks to the side to see Toshinori smiling at him.

Kuro: Dad... What... What happened...?

A feminine voice now comes from the other side of the room.

???: KURO!

Before he could even see who it was, he gets wrapped in a hug.

Jirou: I'm so glad you're okay.

Jirou was tightly hugging the boy, refusing to let go under any circumstances.

Kuro: How long was I out...?

Toshinori: 4 days. How are you feeling right now?

Kuro: I... I don't know exactly... I mean, I'm glad you all are alive and well... But... HE sacrificed his own life... Just so that I could live... I...

Jirou: It's okay, I'm sure he's in a better place now.

Kuro nods, as he sees that there was a medical report lying at a distance from him.

He creates a spot to pick it up...

But nothing happened...

The spot didn't form...

Toshinori: Yeah... About your quirk...

Jirou takes the report and hands it to Kuro.

He reads the document, until he sees something.

"Quirk: Quirkless"

Kuro: Huh...?

Toshinori: I'm not sure if this is what happened, but I think because Garaki was still controlling your quirk, he fell into another dimension... Thus, your quirk... Is still inactive. But we will do everything we can to bring it back!

Kuro keeps reading the report when his eyes land on a certain picture on the side table.

A worn out picture of him, Toshinori and Jirou.

He smiles.

Kuro: No...

Toshinori: Huh?

Kuro: It's okay. I don't mind being quirkless. Yeah, I won't be able to do many things as easily as I could with the quirk, but it's fine if it's not there. After all, the quirk isn't what defines me.

He takes the picture, as he puts it on his leg, and takes one of Jirou and Toshinori's hand into his own.

Kuro: What defines me, is what I want to become. And right now, I'm all I want to be. That is, your son...

He looks at Toshinori, making the man smile softly.

Kuro: And with you by my side.

He now looks at Jirou, who blushes a bit, but coughs into her hand and smiles at Kuro.

Kuro: Dad. Jirou. That's all I want. Knowing you two, you won't leave me just because I'm quirkless.

Toshinori: Ofcourse I won't. And so will Young Jirou, right?

Jirou nods, as Kuro raises his hand, as if asking for a hug from both of them.

We see the worn picture, as the camera pans up to show the three smiling at each other in the same manner.

A sweet and happy ending.

That's all one wants, right?

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The screen goes black, as we see lots and lots of rubble and debris and the sound of clapping echoes in the area.

Soon, we see a hand emerging from under the debris, as if it was trying to reach something, when the sound of something sharp exiting a surface rings through the air.

Multiple black rivets with red markings upon them are retracted into the fingers of a huge man in a tuxedo, and wearing what seemed to be a breathing support item.

AfO: *retracting the rivets* So... This was your ideal future, huh, Phantom? Heh... How pathetic...

He starts to chuckle softly and sadistically.

AfO: *chuckling* How pathetic indeed.

A/N: AAAAND, That does it for this book!

Hope you guys liked the sudden plot twist at the very end👀✌🏻

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the ride.

Till the next time,


Hello, my name is Kuro (Jirou X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now