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Yeosang yawned taking off his apron after what felt like a long work day. It was so busy during lunch hours and he was happy to be finally able to go home and sleep.

He said goodbye to his coworkers and clocked out before going out the door and smiled widely seeing his boyfriend San leaning against his car, waiting for him.

"Sannie!" Yeosang said happily running towards him and wrapped his arms around San's neck.

San smiled widely kissing his cheek softly before opening the passenger door for him. The ride to Yeosang's house was quiet. San drove with one hand on the wheel, the other on Yeosang's thigh. Yeosang was leaning against the widow with his eyes closed. Car rides were always like this. They were quiet, but Yeosang didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable by it, he enjoyed the silence, it was peaceful to him. San would occasionally glance over at him every now and then, but mainly focused on the road.

Once they arrived, San gently tapped his thigh and Yeosang slowly opened his eyes before looking at him with a small smile.

"Are you coming in?" Yeosang asked looking at him and San shook his head.

"I can't tonight, I have to go somewhere with Jongho. But tomorrow, I'll pick you up before school. Alright?" He asked looking at him and Yeosang nodded slowly before San kissed his cheek softly and Yeosang got out of the car, going inside the house.

When San got home he sighed taking his shoes and coat off at the door before going to his room.

"Finally your home- wait, where's Yeo?" Jongho asked standing against the door frame of San's room.

"He's at home. What do you want?" San asked looking at him with an annoyed look.

"Well I wanted to see if you and Yeosang wanted to go the arcade, but nevermind I guess. But why isn't he here? He always comes over after work unless you hangout at his house. "

"He's busy with studying, so I just came home. I'm actually getting ready to leave again. I have somewhere I need to be. "


"Why do you care?" San asked taking his shirt off before looking through his closet.

"Just curious, jeez." Jongho said before going back to his own room.

San rolled his eyes before grabbing a black t-shirt and putting it on. He quickly pulled his phone out.

Pizza delivery 😋

Be there in a few, walking out the door now.

Well walk faster, I'm bored and just clocked out. It's getting ready to rain.

I'll be there, don't worry 😘

I told you not to send emojis. It's weird.

Ugh, fine. I'll see you in a few.


End of texts.

San smiled widely as he drove to the place. A few minutes after he parked, he saw him running towards the car getting soaked from the rain.

"About time. What? did your boyfriend hold you hostage?" He asked looking at San who chuckled.

"No, there was traffic. "

"Whatever, just drive. "

San nods starting the car and drove to male's place.


As soon they walked through the bedroom door the other pulled San into a hungry kiss and San didn't hesitate to kiss back and lifted him before laying him on the bed before trailing kisses down his jawline and neck making him moan slightly.

Yeosang's POV.

Yeosang yawned after waking up from a nap and went downstairs to get a glass of water and smiled seeing his twin sister in the kitchen.

"Hey, how was work?" She asked looking at him.

"Long, but I had a good nap. "

"That's good. Where's San?"

"With his brother. They had to go somewhere. "

"Ah, okay. Well I'm about to go out, so I'll see you later. There's leftovers in the fridge. Mom and dad are working late tonight, " she said walking out of the kitchen and Yeosang nodded opening the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before going to the living room and sat on the couch.

Yeosang sighed looking around the room for something to do. He missed San but understood that he was busy. Come to think of it, he's been busy a lot these days.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed his friend Wooyoung's number and smiled widely when he answered.


"Hey, are you free? We could go to the arcade together."

"No sorry, I'm busy, tonight's Bible study night at my dad's church. Maybe tomorrow though?"

"Yeah sure, no worries. Sorry to bother you. "

"Don't worry. You didn't bother me at all. I'll talk to you later. "

Yeosang said goodbye before hanging up and hummed softly. No San, no Wooyoung, no sister, no parents. He was alone...

Jongho's POV.

"Maybe they're fighting?"

"I don't know. It's just weird. He always stayed at Yeosang's place even when he was studying. " Jongho said looking at his friend Yunho who was wiping down one of the games that some kid spilled Pepsi all over.

"Have you tried texting Yeosang?"

"I don't have his number, and even if I did, I'm not going to text him out of the blue about his relationship with my brother. That's weird. "

Yunho chuckled smiling at him.

"Weird because he's dating your brother or weird because you like him?"

"Weird because he's dating my brother, dumbo!"

Yunho laughed with a nod

"Maybe invite him over here. Play a few games, he could be bored," Yunho shrugged and Jongho tilted his head, thinking.

"Nah, I feel like that'll just be more weird. Plus he's probably with Wooyoung or something. "

"True. Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it. They're probably just bored of each other. "

Jongho nodded biting his nails.


No one's POV.

Yeosang was laid on the couch staring at the ceiling as a random show played on the TV, his sister had already left and he was extremely bored. He must've counted all the different things in the room a thousand times. He was starting to just give up and go study until his phone started ringing and he quickly answered it.

"Hey baby, I just got done with Jongho. You wanna grab something to eat?"

"Yes please!"

San chuckled into the phone and Yeosang couldn't help but smile widely. They said their goodbyes and hung up. Yeosang quickly ran upstairs to his room to change before San got there. He was so happy to finally hangout with him...

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