[Attention Seeker]

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San's POV.

I sighed looking at my steering wheel after I parked in my driveway. I was thinking about so much, yet nothing at all.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I do that? Why am I doing this? Why did I screw up everything? ...my relationship with Yeo...my friendship with Woo... I'm so stupid...I fucked everything up, all because I...I...dammit!

I quickly started my car again and drove to the one person's house who has always been on my mind...

Yeosang's POV.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything earlier."

"Don't worry about it, I'll be alright. I always am," I said looking at my hands."

"Yeosang, don't say that. You don't have to lie to me, I know that what happened to earlier and this past week has been exhausting for you. I want you to know that you can be honest with me about anything. Yeosang, I lo-"

"Jongho, can I call you back? Someone knocked on my frontdoor," I said looking at him on the video call and he nodded smiling and waved before we hung up.

I sighed putting my phone down on my bed and walked downstairs to answer the door, when I opened the door, I immediately felt like crying.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms as I looked at him.

"Yeo, I know that I'm not allowed here or around you anymore, but can we please talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about, we've said everything already."


"No Woo! ...I'm done and I'm tired...get home safely," I said before closing the door and slid down it, hugging my knees to my chest and let everything out.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I sobbed loudly into my knees. I thank God that I was the only one home, I don't want anyone to see or hear how pathetic I am...

Wooyoung's POV.

I groaned putting a cigarette in my mouth and was going to light it before I huffed taking it out of my mouth and put it back in the cigarette box. I need something stronger.

When I got home I saw San sitting on the steps of my front porch and clenched my jaw as he looked at me with teary eyes.

"What? Was earlier not enough for you? Do you need to ruin my life more, Choi?"

"No Woo, I just-"

"Save it, I don't care," I said shoving past him and walked through my front door and went to close the door behind me, but San stopped it with his foot and grabbed my arm, turning me to face him.

"Please Woo? I only need a few minutes of your time, then you never have to see me again."

I looked into his red puffy eyes and I sighed with a nod, "My room, " I said pulling my arm out of his grip and went upstairs with him following.

When we walked into my room, I closed the door behind us before walking towards my desk and opened a drawer pulling out a sandwich bag as I sat in my desk chair.

"Speak," I said pulling out a blunt from the sandwich bag and my lighter out of my pocket, before lighting it.

"I'm just going to be honest. There was a time where I liked Yeosang...but I have always loved you. Wooyoung, you have always been on mine ever since day one-"

"Then why'd you date Yeosang and have me introduce you two?"

"Because I wanted to move on from you. I thought that maybe if I dated someone else that I'd be able to...Yeo was just the first person I saw, I'm sorry Woo," He said making me look at him.

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