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School felt slow, in fact everything felt like it was going slower than before. Wooyoung never left my side, which I was grateful for, but I would watch as him and San stole glances at each other. San never looked at me once, almost as if, I wasn't even there. Anyone could tell that they liked each other and honestly I didn't know how to feel. Part of me wanted to tell Woo to go to him, but another part of me was angry. Why wasn't San looking at me? I was supposedly the love of his life, yet here he is making googly eyes at my best friend and all I could do was watch.

After school, Wooyoung and I were walking to my house when jongho caught up to us and I smiled softly looking at him. Jongho was the only person that I felt like was actually being honest with me, who actually cared about me.

I watched as he smiled ahead of himself, talking about something with Wooyoung. Our hands would occasionally brush against each other as we walked.

"So, how're you doing?" Jongho asked looking at me and I looked ahead of me.

"As well as I can be, honestly. I think that I'm just tired."

"Have you been sleeping well?"

I shook my head looking at my feet and felt him put his hand in mine and Wooyoung put his hand in my other hand. I smiled looking at Jongho, but I didn't look at Wooyoung. I felt Wooyoung gently squeeze my hand, but that didn't matter, I still didn't turn my head. I didn't want to. I shouldn't have to.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything that I can do?" Jongho asked looking at me and I smiled more.

"You don't have to do anything. Just you hanging out with me is enough, Jjongie. "

"Woah. When did you and Jongho become so close?" Wooyoung asked looking at us as he let go of my hand.

"Since he found out that his boyfriend was fucking his best friend, " Jongho said looking at him.

"I wasn't asking you, twerp-"

"He's not a twerp, " I said looking at Wooyoung and gripped Jongho's hand tighter without realizing, "he's the only one here that actually has been truthful to me through all this," I said looking at him.

"Hey, I-"

"Well well, look who we have here," San said pulling up beside us on the sidewalk in his car, "someone moves on quickly, and with my little brother? Wow Yeo, that's low. "

"San, it's not like that," I said looking at him and he hummed.

"Looks like it to me, you're both holding hands, " he said looking at us.

I started to say something but Jongho beat me to it.

"So what if we were something, huh? Why would you care? At least now he'd be with someone who actually loves him and treats him the way he deserves to be treated, " he said glaring at San and his grip tightened on my hand but not enough to hurt me.

I looked at him with wide eyes and I felt my cheeks heat up from his words before hearing San scoff.

"Whatever, Wooyoung, call me when you get bored, " he said looking at Wooyoung who quickly looked away from him as his face turned red and San drove away.

I began walking again with Jongho and Wooyoung tapped my shoulder, but I didn't look at him and only hummed for him to continue.

"I'm gonna head home, I have to-"

"You're going to see him, aren't you?" I asked interrupting him.

"What? No, Yeo I just-"

"Just go Woo, I'm not an idiot, " I said looking at him and he nodded slowly before walking away from us.

Jongho and I continued to walk hand in hand down the sidewalk. It was quiet, but not uncomfortable. I enjoyed the silence. I looked at our hands before looking at him.



"Did you mean what you said? That you love me?" I asked looking at him and his face turned red as he looked at me.

"Well..I don't not love you."

I smiled a bit as he looked away from my eyes and back at his feet.

"For how long?"


"How long have you loved me?" I asked looking at our hands.

"Since I first saw you in school. I thought you were really pretty. It started out as just a stupid crush, but then you started dating San and came over a lot, so I hung out with you guys whenever I could, because I wanted to see you, hear your voice, see you smile...but you only saw me as San's annoying little brother. "

"That's not true. I enjoyed hanging out with you, I thought you were funny and adorable and really sweet. "

"Really?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling at him.

He smiled shyly to himself before I gently squeezed his hand and pulled him to my house.

Jongho really is the better Choi...

(A/N sorry, I'm in a rush. I gotta leave soon for a family event)

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