[Forever Best Friend]

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Wooyoung showed up almost an hour ago and we've just been in my room, sitting in silence. I don't exactly know how to start, I can't decide if I want to scream or cry. He looks like he's been crying, his eyes were all bloodshot and puffy, it kinda made me want to hold him.

"Woo, " I said in a whisper tone while looking at my hands.


"I want you to tell me everything..how and why it started, when it started, everything."

I heard him sigh softly before he scooted closer to me on the bed and I looked up at him as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"Remember that party that Haruto had a few months ago, that you didn't want to go to?"


"It started at that party. We were drunk and San was getting all handsy mainly because he was way more drunk than me and I knew that it was wrong because he was with you, but his hands were all over me and..I didn't exactly hate it. That's when I thought that one quick fuck would be fine, but one quick fuck led to more and it was hard to stop. But I never wanted to hurt you. I can't even begin to explain how much I hate myself because of it. I feel disgusting and ashamed. I keep taking showers, trying to scrub the feeling him away but it isn't working," I watched as he got off the bed and got on his knees in front of me as tears poured from his eyes.

"Yeosangie, I'm so sorry, so so sorry! I never wanted to hurt and lose you! Please, you're my best friend, always will be, even if you don't want anything to do with me anymore, I'll still tell people that you are my forever best friend! I'll tell them how amazing and talented you are, how loyal you are, I'll tell them everything! Yeosang, I know that there is nothing that I can say or do that'll make you forgive me, but I meant everything I said! I'm really am truly sorry!"

I sighed as tears filled my eyes and made him stand up from the floor and wiped his tears away as I looked into them.

"Just tell me one thing."

"Yes, anything!"

"Do you love him?" I asked and he bit his bottom lip before looking at his feet.

"I don't know...do you still love him?"

"I don't know, " I said in a quiet tone and he looked at me.

"Yeosang, I want you to know that I will always love you way more than anyone else."

I nodded looking at my hands before I felt him wrap his arms around me and burry his face in the crook of my neck. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel his body trembling and tears stung my eyes, threatening to fall. I wanted to believe that his words were true, but it's hard when someone you thought loved you once, lied to you about everything.

"Woo, I'm not saying that I forgive you because what you did really hurt me. But I know that you are a good person and a wonderful friend. You always stick up for me and protect me. It'd be a real shame to lose a friend like you. You will always be my best friend. Thank you for telling me everything, and thank you for punching San," I chuckled a bit and he smiled widely at me.

"Who told you about that?"

"Jongho, he came over today. He's a good guy, it's hard to believe that San and him are related."

Wooyoung nodded with a chuckle, "does this mean that we can continue to be friends?"

"Best friends."

His smile grew as he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek over and over again, making me groan with a smile.

"This is great! I'll take you to school and drive you to work, we can hang out more and tonight you are staying the night at my place, no questions asked. I'm going to spend as much time as I want with you...I missed you Yeosang, " he said smiling at me and I nodded smiling.

"I missed you too, Wooyoung. "

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