[The Wrong People]

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I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked in the school hallway, looking at my feet and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry. I- oh, it's just you."

"Yeosang, can we talk?"

"I'm not allowed to-"

"Please Yeosang, please?" San asked looking at me with pleading eyes and I sighed with a nod.

He pulled me to the janitors closet, closing and locking the door behind us.

"Alright, what? What do you want? Are you still not satisfied? You got what you wanted, what else do you want from me?"

"Just listen to me, please. Yes, I wanted to be with Wooyoung, I always have. But it was never my intention to hurt you. Yeosang, I do care about you."

"San, you say that you care about me, but then you end up hurting me all over again. San, I really love you, but I'm trying my hardest to move on from you, please just let me do that, please?"

My eyes widened as he pulled me into a hug.


"You still smell like me," He whispered and I felt tears threatening to fall.

I took a deep breath before pushing him away and looked at him, my vision getting blurry from tears.

"Stop. You no longer get to touch me whenever you want. San, I don't want you around me anymore, so stop. Stop bumping into me, stop pulling me into janitor closets, stop showing up at my house! I'm completely done with you and your lies! Just go be with Wooyoung until you get bored again and fuck someone else!" I said looking at him as his eyes filled with tears and I walked out of the closet, slamming the door behind me and there I saw Wooyoung, standing outside the door.

He said something, but I couldn't hear what it was as I just ran to the bathroom, wiping my teary eyes.

Wooyoung's POV.

"What the hell, Choi?" I asked glaring at him.

"Nothing happened, I-"

"Bullshit! You were with him in the same janitors closet that we used to meet up in. What? Are you already bored of me?!"

"No, just let me explain!"

"Hurry up, then!"

"I just wanted to apologize to him and talk him about you. Woo, you've been acting crazy, calling him 'kid' 'annoying' and an 'attention seeker' you got mad at me for treating him poorly, but then you had no problem doing the same thing!"

"Why the hell do you even care?! You don't even love him!"

"But I do care about him!"

"If you care about him so much, then why'd you treat him like shit?!

"Because, I didn't want to be with him, I wanted to be with you!...I thought that maybe if I treated him like shit, then he'd break up with me and I could be with you. But he was too innocent, to actually break up with me and I didn't want to break up with him and have explain to him that I was in love with his best friend. My heart wouldn't have been able to see the heartbreak on his face. I care, I always care, that's my damn problem. I'm always trying to take the easy way out or what seems like the easy way out and...I'm sorry."

"Well maybe...maybe we shouldn't be together. Maybe that'll be better for everyone. Everyone should just stay single and move on, because we're only hurting each other and ourselves."


"I mean it, Choi...let's figure ourselves out for a while," I said looking at him and walked away to my next class before he could say anything else.

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