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"Well well well, if it isn't Jung Wooyoung, " San said smirking at me after he opened the door.

"Shut up," I said shoving my way past him and we went to his room.

I hated this and I hated Choi San. So why is it so hard for me to stop? Everytime I look at him, hear his name or smell his cologne, my body aches for him.

I'm not going to do anything this time I swear. Right now I just want to talk to him about everything, about him and Yeosang...about us.

I sat down on his bed and he immediately pushed me onto my back, making my eyes widen as he hovered over me with a smirk, "no!" I yelled as pushed him off the bed, and he landed on his ass.

"What the hell, Woo! What was that?!"

"I'm not here to have sex! I want to have an actual conversation!"

"So you pushed me?!"

"You were about to kiss me!"

He sighed rolling his eyes before sitting beside me on the bed and looked at me, "Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"You and Yeosang, " I said looking at him and he huffed laying on his back on the bed.

"Oh my God, fine. What? What do you want to know?"

"Okay first of all, lose the damn attitude, he's still my best friend and I really didn't appreciate you pulling up beside us and being rude to him. He didn't do anything to you except love you. San, don't you understand that Yeosang adored you?"

"Of course I understand that, Woo I adored him too, in fact I still do!" He said sitting up straight to look at me.

"Really? You have a funny way of showing it," I scoffed looking away from him.

"Hey, I'm serious. Yeosang means a lot to me. He's kind, caring and gentle. He's also funny, truthful and can come off as rude without meaning to. "

"What about us then? Am I nothing but a quick fuck to you? Or do you actually feel something more for me?"

I watched as he looked at his hands and sighed softly, "I really love Yeosang...but I really like you. Woo, you make me excited to wake up everyday because I get to see you, whether it's at school or I'm picking you up before work. Yeosang, makes me happy and feel loved. I love picking him up for school or from work. Yeosang and I hav- had a great relationship...but I'm an idiot and blew it. God, I'm so stupid. "

"San...you don't actually have any feelings for me, do you?"

"No...I'm sorry. "

"Don't be sorry, but I think that you should clear things up with him before it's too late. I'm pretty sure that your little brother is trying to get some from him, " I said looking at him and he nodded before kissing my cheek softly.

I'll be honest, I'm a little hurt, but not much, since all that I wanted from him was sex and nothing more. I'm not really a relationship type of guy. I actually enjoy being single, I can do whatever I want, sleep with whoever I want without consequences...sometimes. Don't worry, I always make sure they're clean, I'm not an idiot.

"You should go talk to him, we'll go together. I mean he said that he already forgives me, but I can tell that he still definitely hates me, " I said looking at him and he nodded before we both stood up from the bed, "Alright, let's go," He said opening his bedroom door and I followed him to his car.


Yeosang's POV.

Jongho, my sister and I were all sat in my living room floor. My sister was telling us about her practice at KQ Entertainment.

"Also, there a new trainee there, his name is Seonghwa, he's really handsome and funny. I had to teach him the new dance we're doing next week for some showcase thing. He's a bit older than me, but he's really nice. Which reminds me, I actually gotta get going. I'm meeting up with some of the girls for a late lunch. I'll see you later!" She said standing up from the floor and hugged me before she left.

After she left, Jongho and I sat in silence for a while just staring at each other. It was definitely awkward. Now that I know that he likes me, I'm not sure what to do...I mean, I like him too, but I don't know if it's the same way.

Don't get me wrong, he's really sweet and treats me well but...I still have feelings for San. I know that he was an ass, who ignored me...a lot, but he did do things that told me that he cared about me, like hold my hand, tell me that he loves me. Pick me up from work and take me to school. Sent me goodmorning and goodnight texts...I miss him.


Jongho was cutt off by the door bell ringing. I quickly apologized and excused myself to answer it. When I opened the door I was immediately pulled into a hug by San. Wooyoung was standing behind him, smiling widely at us, while I looked at him with a confused expression.


"Baby, I'm so sorry, I was such an idiot. I'm done messing around with Woo. I'm all yours, please forgive me. Baby I'm really really sorry, please, I'll never do it again, " he said putting his hands on the sides of my face as he looked into my eyes.

"San I...I don't know what to say-"

"Say that you'll forgive. Please, we can start over, Yeosang I really do love and care about you. My life isn't complete without you. Please, I'm sorry. "

I didn't know what to say or how to act. Part of me was happy to see him and hear him apologizing to me. But it kind of made me uncomfortable..God why is this so confusing?!

"I uh..I should probably go. I'll see at school Yeo, " Jongho said patting my shoulder and nodded at San and Wooyoung, and I nodded slowly watching him leave.

I want to stop him from leaving, I wanted to hangout with him more, but my voice got caught in my throat and I couldn't. He and Wooyoung both left together, leaving San and I alone together.

I sighed removing San's hands from my face and stepped aside, letting him in. We sat down on opposite ends of the couch but he never took his eyes off me.


"Don't talk, I'm thinking. "

It was silent for a long while. I must've counted every breath that fell from our lips over a hundred times, considering that it was the only thing heard over the silence. I lied, I wasn't thinking at all, I just didn't feel like hearing the same apology from before.

I took a deep breath before looking at him and of course he was already looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"San..I'm angry at you for multiple reasons. One, you wouldn't spend time with me ever and you would never tell me what was going on with you. Two, you got butthurt when I wouldn't have sex with you. It's not that I don't ever want to have sex with you, because I did. But I just wasn't ready yet and I needed you to understand that. We never even talked about it before, so I was really caught off guard when you suddenly wanted to, and it really disgusted me and made me uncomfortable when you got mad at me. Three, you slept with my best friend multiple times and lied to me about where you were going. Four, you ignored me all day at school today and kept your eyes on Wooyoung, and after school when you pulled up beside us, you were really rude to me and your little brother who has actually been really good to me during all of this. Now, obviously I still have feelings for you, and I would love for us to start over...but I don't know if I can that easily yet. If you really want to be with me, you need to start acting better and earn my trust again, because right now, it's hard for me to trust anything that comes out of your mouth. You need to show me that you care in order for me to even think about getting back together with you again...can you do that?"

"I can, I promise. All of my time and attention will be on you and you only. I won't even go near Wooyoung again unless you are there too. I promise, I can change and I will for you. "


~To Be Continued~

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