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Dinner with San felt rushed. He was quiet pretty much the whole time and always checking his phone every few minutes. Yeosang was getting fed up. He sighed putting his fork down and looked at San who was looking at his phone.

"Alright, what's up?"

"Hm?" San asked looking at him.

"You're constantly checking your phone and you aren't even paying attention to me. Why'd you even ask me to eat with you if you aren't even going to talk?"

San sighed putting his phone down. "Fine, you're right, I'm sorry baby. How was work today?"

"It was good, just really long. I got yelled at by a customer because I got their order wrong and Wooyoung cursed at them until they left and then got yelled at by our boss. " Yeosang said before taking a bite of his food.

"Aww, I'm sorry baby. I'm glad that Wooyoung works with you. " San said putting his hand in Yeosang's.

"Yeah, but it was my fault. I was zoned out and not paying attention to what I was doing."

"So? They didn't need to yell at you in your workplace. They could have been nicer to you and reasonable. I'm glad that Wooyoung yelled at them."

Yeosang chuckled and patted San's hand and San smiled kissing his hand.

"Sannie, can I stay the night with you tonight?"

"I don't know, Yeo. "

"Please? I'm home alone tonight. My sister is out, parents are working late and I want to spend time with my boyfriend, please?"

San bit the inside of his cheek for a moment as he looked down at his phone before nodding slowly and Yeosang smiled widely at him.

That night Yeosang was wide awake laying beside San who was asleep with his back to him. Yeosang felt strange with San nowadays. San was kinda distant and quiet around him, though San would still drive him to and from school and also pick him up from work. He'd still tell him that he loved him everyday and send him goodmorning and goodnight texts. He'd still hold his hand and give him back hugs and kisses on his cheek...but just on his cheek. He can't remember the last time that San had really kissed him.

Yeosang turned his head to the side looking at the back of San's head and made his lips turn into a line before slowly getting out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water but stopped when he saw Jongho in the living room who was sat on the couch watching TV.

"Oh, hey," Jongho said muting the TV and Yeosang smiled.

"Hey," he said sitting down beside him on the couch.

It was quiet for a few minutes as they just stared at each other, not knowing what to say exactly. They've never been alone together before.

Jongho cleared his throat as he looked at the remote in his hands.

"How was studying?" Jongho asked looking at him.

"I actually didn't get to study, San called before I could get to it."

Jongho nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What'd you do today?" Yeosang asked smiling at him.

"Just hungout with Yunho at the arcade as he worked."

Yeosang nodded before raising an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Oh..was San with you?"

"No, I was actually going to invite both of you but he said that you were busy studying and he had to be somewhere."

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