[Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb ass]

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The next day San and Wooyoung came over and I felt weird being in the same room as both of them. We were all in my bedroom floor and I listened as they talked, they weren't really talking though, it was more arguing than talking.

"I'm just saying that you knew I was coming over!" Wooyoung said looking at him.

"So what? He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to come over here. You however, weren't even invited!"

"Woah, wai-"

"Boyfriend? Ha! Please, your little brother is more of a boyfriend to him than you are!" Wooyoung said interrupting me and I shook my head as I put my face in my hands.

"Technically, neither of you were invited. And San, you're not my boyfriend, I already told you that I need to be able to trust you again in order for that to even be considered, " I said looking at them and they rolled their eyes.

"Yeosang, we're honestly trying here. I understand that what we did was wrong, but honestly how much do you want us to apologize?" San asked looking at me and I looked at my hands before hearing Wooyoung hit his arm.

"Shut up, we'll apologize as many times as he wants, ass breath. If you're tired of waiting for him, then leave, but don't rope me into your shitty excuses. All you want to do is fuck. I however, actually care about him."

"Who're you calling 'ass breath' teenie weenie!" San said glaring at him.

"Excuse me?! I don't have a teenie weenie! My dick is big!"

"Big? Ha! Baby, why do you think I always top? It's because your weenie is too teenie!"

"Oh really?! Should I whip it out and show it to you?" He asked standing up from the floor.

"Let's see it then!" San said said standing up as well and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Oh my God, stop! You aren't my boyfriend and you can either wait for me to trust again or leave! And you! Aren't whipping your dick out in my room! I don't want to see that!" I yelled at them and they huffed sitting back down and we heard Jongho's voice from downstairs.

"Yeosangie! You home?! Your mom let me in!"

"Upstairs with two idiots!" I yelled back and he came into my room with a smile.

"Why're you here?" San asked raising an eyebrow at Jongho.

"Because Yeosang invited me over," Jongho said looking at him.

"Seriously? You invited my little brother here, but not your boyfriend?!"

"You aren't my boyfriend!"

"Yeah dumb ass! He already told you that!" Wooyoung said hitting him up the back of his head.

"Oh shut up, sex doll!"

"Seriously, fuck you!"

And now they're fighting...

"Hey, how long has this been going on?" Jongho whispered as he sat down beside me on the floor.

"Since they came over. They won't stop and they won't leave and I'm getting annoyed. " I whispered back.

"Do you want to leave? We can go to the arcade, " he said smiling at me and I smiled widely.

"I can't just leave, this is my house, " I said looking at him.

"Oh come on, they'll be fighting for hours and won't even notice that you are gone. And I'm sure your parents will make them leave eventually, " he said smiling widely at him and I nodded with a chuckle.

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