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Yeosang's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my sister smiling widely at me and looked at her confused until I realized who I was asleep on and slowly looked up to Jongho asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist and gasped sitting up quickly causing him to wake up and he hummed rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning!" My sister said looking at us and I glared at her.

"Yeojin, how long have you been watching us sleep?" I asked looking at her.

"Not that long, just a few minutes. You both looked so cute cuddled together, " she smiling widely and I rolled my eyes before looking at Jongho.

"I should probably get going, it's a school night, " he said looking at me and I nodded smiling at him, "call me alright?"

I nodded smiling and he hugged me before standing up from the couch and waved bye before going out the door.

"Oh my God, tell me everything!" Yeojin said sitting beside me on the couch and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"There's really nothing to tell. I broke up with my boyfriend and he was-"

"YOU BROKE UP WITH SAN?!" She asked yelling and I nodded slowly.

"Finally! I mean, I never said anything because you were happy, but I never liked San, he seemed fake and stuck up. Seriously, you're way better off without him." She said looking at me and I looked at her with a confused expression.


"Yeah, I mean, think about it, isn't it weird how you guys started dating in the first place? You've never talked or hungout together at or after school and then suddenly he pops up out of nowhere and boom! You have a boyfriend."

"First of all, he didn't pop up out of nowhere. Wooyoung introduced us. He was in the choir club with him. And he was really sweet to me, but now it's a flip switched and he- well he.." I felt myself starting to cry again and my sister pulled me into a hug and I cried on her shoulder.

"It's alright, you don't have to say," she whispered and I nodded against her as I wrapped my arms around her until there was constant knocking on our door and my sister pulled away telling me that she'd get it.

Not even a second later after she opened the door Wooyoung walked passed her and I stood up from the couch.

"Yeo, I just found out. I'm so sorry, " he said walking towards me and hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"Woo, don't apologize. It's not your fault, " I said looking at him and he sighed looking at the floor.

He stayed silent for a few minutes as he chewed on his nails like something was eating away at him and he slowly looked up at me.

"Yeosang..I have to tell you something that is most likely going to make you hate me and ruin our friendship forever but you deserve to know," he said looking at me and I nodded slowly.


"Woo, what is it? You can tell me anything. " I said looking at him and he nodded slowly.

"San and I have been sleeping together, " he said looking away from my gaze and just like that I felt my heart break into a million pieces as I pulled away from him and stumbled back a bit as he looked at me with a saddened expression.

"But it's over now. I had no idea how he was treating you-"

"You..you slept with him, knowing that he was with me?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, but-"

"You slept with him...knowing that he was with me, " I said a bit louder.


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