[Off Limits]

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"Yeo, I think that you might be reading too much into it," Wooyoung said looking at me from across the table in the lunch cafeteria at school.

"I know it's just...I wished he'd at least tell me what was going on. I don't even see him much anymore. "

"But he still holds your hand, drives you places and tells you that he loves you. "

"But he doesn't kiss me anymore like he used to, " Yeosang said playing with his salad as he looked at it.

"Have you tried kissing him?"


"Then stop whining. It's a two way street. If you don't say anything or kiss him, how is he supposed to know that you want him to kiss you?" He said looking at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess that you're right. But he still didn't have to threaten me or forget about me. "

"Wait, he threatened you? How?" Wooyoung asked leaning on the table towards me.

"Well, when we were pulled over and fighting, he told me to either keep my mouth shut or walk the rest of the way to school-"

"Are you serious?! I'm gonna kick his ass," he said standing up from his seat.

"Woo, don't start a fight in school please?" I asked looking at him and he sighed sitting back down.

"Fine, after school he's dead, nobody yells at my best friend, " he said making me chuckle.

"Thanks Woo, but I don't need you to defend me, " I said smiling at him and he nodded before taking a bite of his food.


Wooyoung's POV.

"Are you stupid?! I whispered yelled at San as we stood in a janitors closet at school.

"What?" He asked looking at me and I hit his arm.

"You seriously threatened Yeosang?!"

"I didn't-"

"And you forgot about him?!"

"Listen, I didn't forget about him. I was going to spend the day with him yesterday but then I was with you and lost track of time. Why do you even care?"

"Because he's my best friend and I care about him."

"Some best friend you are, sleeping with his boyfriend, " he chuckled.

"Hey that's not fair, you came to me first."

"I was drunk!"

"Then what about all the times after that, huh?" I asked looking at him and he sighed, "do you even love him?"

"Of course I do."

"Then what the hell are you doing with me?!"

"Hey, don't act like you aren't in the wrong either, you wanted it too!"

"Yeah, but I just wanted a quick fuck, I didn't expect it to happen over and over again!"

"Really? Then why'd you call me again the next day?"

"Because I wanted to talk about it and end it, but before I even got a word out, your lips were on mine!"

"And the times after that?"

"Well...I don't know. But what I do know is that it needs to stop here. I don't like that you are choosing me over him. You need to spend more time with him. And would it kill you to kiss him?!" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Fine. We're done, I'll go back to the way things were before. " He said looking at me and I nodded before biting my bottom lip as I looked at him.

"Maybe...one more time won't hurt right?" I asked looking at his soft lips before looking into his eyes.

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