Chapter Two

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*Theodore Nott POV*

I walked to Emma's door which was closed. She hadn't left her room since Enzo broke her heart. I knew she needed time, and I gave her that while letting her know I was there. Even Pansy came over to help cheer her up.

I went to knock on her door when it quickly opened to show my sister. She had a bright smile with twinkling eyes that told me she was feeling better.

"You okay, Emma?" I asked her in case she was faking this happiness again.

"Yeah, Theo. I'm just excited to get back to Hogwarts." She said in a higher pitch that told me she was telling the truth. I smile back at her.

Emma has never truly liked Hogwarts due to what happened in our first year. But she has gotten used to being hated by every house but Slytherin. Although some Slytherins won't openly admit it, Emma was the house's princess, and no one messed with our princess.

Every Slytherin loved her and would try to get her attention. But Enzo was the only one she ever saw in that light. And now I was going to beat the shit out of him for making her cry this much.

"Are you all packed and ready?" I asked her, looking into her room. She stepped into my view or tried to since I was six inches taller than her.

"You can say that," she said, dragging it out. It was a clear sign that she wasn't. I chuckled while shaking my head. I looked over her head and found her clothes all over her room.

I looked down at her and raised one brow. She bit her bottom lip and slightly shrank in size. She knew she was in trouble for her lack of organizational skills.

"Emma," I say a little disappointed.

"Ok, look. I'm trying to find clothes that will make Enzo jealous...and possibly let other guys know I'm available now." She said the last part in a whisper that I barely heard.

"I swear. You know every Slytherin boy wants your attention. Stop acting like you have to put it out just to get it. You could wear trashy clothes with an ungodly amount of terrible makeup, and they would still seek your attention." I tell her with my arms crossed. She just stared at me with her lips parted in a half smile.

"Theo, I-" she tried to say something back, but her emotions were getting the best of her. She fully smiled while wiping what tears she had away.

"Thank you," she said, brimming with confidence and light.

"Now, just pack ALL your clothes. Pansy can help with picking outfits if you need it." I tell her before walking away.

I hear her door shut before she squeals at a high pitch. I smile to myself while shaking my head. She's always acted this way.

Her smile always shines brighter than the sun, and her caring personality is what makes everyone love her. Yeah, she's ambitious and could be ruthless if you try to hurt anyone she cares about, but she's extremely loyal and patient while seeing the bright side of everything.

So, I wasn't all that surprised when the sorting hat placed her in Hufflepuff. In the beginning, it seemed like the perfect house for her, but then they all turned on her because of what a group of Gryffindors tried to do to her.

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. They were so fuckin lucky I hadn't caught them in the act, or they wouldn't have just been expelled. No, they would all be six feet under in a box with every bone broken and a gravestone with their full name, age, and a message saying, 'Here lies a fucker who attempted to rape an eleven-year-old girl for fun'.

I hear the doorbell ring several times indicating it's Enzo. I smile wickedly, knowing he came at just the right time for his ass beating. I opened the door and immediately pushed him away while slamming the door closed. We were outside and away from Emma's ears.

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