Chapter Thirteen

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*Tom Riddle POV*

I sat at my desk chair with a puzzled look on my face. Emma was mumbling about making people pay for something. Could she mean about what that guy did to her while under the Imperio curse?

Dark curls...There was only one person I knew who would want to meddle with Emma...Bellatrix Lestrange. And silvery blonde hair could only be Lucious Malfoy, but why would he want to destroy the girl that Voldemort wants on our side? There has to be more than I know about happening.

I got up from the chair as the door opened to show Mattheo with a confused look.

"Why was Emma mumbling to her...oh never mind." He said having read my mind. I sigh and sit back down. I looked down at the note Theodore had written. Emma only had three months to gain the control she needed. I rub my hand over my face while groaning out. These next three months will be tough. Especially if Mattheo and I were to help her.

"Find Emma and watch over her. I fear she might do something drastic." I ordered Mattheo while getting out a piece of parchment. I see Mattheo roll his eyes before walking out of our room. I quickly wrote a note to Theodore stating that Voldemort wished to wait three months before anyone received their marks. I sent the note with magic and leaned against the back of my chair.

"What have we gotten into," I comment to myself.


*Mattheo Riddle POV*

I walked out of our room while rolling my eyes. I hate it when he orders me around like he's superior to me. He's only a few minutes older than me and yet he acts all high and mighty. I hate having to listen to him.

I groan out as I think to myself that I'm only doing this for Emma's sake. She needs someone to watch over her and no one's better than me. I can protect her just fine on my own. I don't need my stupid brother for that.

I walked down the corridor while following the signs my bracelet was giving me to find Emma. Perks of having such a deep connection to the girl. I walk up to the bare wall and look around. This is where the room she and Tom came out of. But how do I get in? I looked around and further down the wall, a small door appeared. I smile and slowly open it to see a small room with the wall facing inside see-through. I smile and look into the room to see Emma practicing with an older teacher.

"Good, Emilia." She says lowering her wand. "You're getting better at controlling your powers."

"Thanks, Professor," Emma says slightly out of breath. "Again!" She says while holding up her hands as white magic is seen in her palms.

I watch as the professor throws spells toward Emma as she blocks, deflects, or absorbs it. She was incredible. Emma was able to handle herself against a professor. What kind of control could she possibly need?

As I watched I noticed Emma's eyes and hair change to white like that night. The professor stopped attacking and lowered her wand while looking at Emma with sorrowful eyes. Emma dropped to the ground as the white light started to consume her.

"Fight it, Emilia." The professor said slowly making her way to Emma.

"I-I'm t-try-ing" Emma barely managed to say while lying on the floor in an odd-shaped ball.

"Come on Emilia. You've done it before." The teacher encourages her. I watched as Emma tried to gather herself to stand but she was having difficulty. The teacher pointed her wand towards Emma, but she spoke before anything could happen.

"N-not y-yet." She managed to say as she fell back to the ground after getting to her knees. The teacher looked apologetic towards Emma. Still, she lowered her wand and watched patiently. Emma got to her feet while her magic surrounded her. She was breathing heavily while her eyes were closed. She smiled but it was short-lived as she fell back to the ground while screaming in pain.

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