Chapter Eight

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*Emma Nott POV*

Once breakfast was over, my group made our way into the hall before splitting up into three groups. Theodore and Pansy were off to History of Magic while Blaise, Draco, and Enzo were off to Charms. That left Mattheo, Tom, and me to make our way to Potions. I lead the way while staying close to the two boys. The corridors were filled with students rushing to get to class on time. We make our way to the dungeons before taking a left. After walking past five doors, we made it to the potion classroom. I slowly open the door and take a peak. The room was empty while dust consumed the air. I sigh and turn to look at the twins.

"Word of advice, if you want to keep from being on Professor Snape's bad side, only talk when answering questions. Oh, and don't try to answer any questions if you can help it." I explain with a soft smile. The two boys nodded before we made our way into the classroom. They looked around while I found a seat at the front of the classroom. I motion for them to come sit at the table with me. Mattheo sits to my right while Tom sits across from me.

A few seconds later, others began walking into the room and taking seats. I was thankful when everyone sat down, and no one decided to sit with us. Possibly because they all hated having to sit with me. I softly hum in bliss and begin getting my book, paper, and ink from my bag. After a few more minutes, the bell rang, and immediately afterward, Snape walked in with a sour face.

"Which of you idiots think they are prepared for their O.W.L.S. at the end of this year?" A few students in the back raised their hands. Mattheo went to raise his hand, but I quickly grabbed hold of his wrist and kept it down. He gave me a confused look, but he would thank me later.

"Those with your hands raised, you are dismissed from my class for the rest of the year." Those who had their hands raised wore smiles as they began to gather their things. "You have, also, failed your O.W.L.S. for Potions. I will be seeing you next year." He turned and kept his back towards everyone. The ones who raised their hands sank into a depressive state as they left the classroom. Mattheo looked at me with wide eyes. He went to say something, but I quickly put a finger against my lips, telling him to keep quiet.

"For the rest of you still in the room, there may still be hope for you yet." He turned around and continued to speak. "You either know that you lack the proper knowledge needed to pass, or you simply wish not to raise your hand. Nonetheless, you have made the choice that has granted you even the slightest possibility in passing." He looked around the room and when his eyes landed on my table, his left eyes slightly twitched. He looked at me, then Tom and Mattheo, then back to me.

"Let's begin with a simple question. Who can tell me how many ingredients are needed to make a pot of Living Death?" The class stayed silent as we had yet to learn about it. Hermione Granger raised her hand in the air with a smile. Snape continued to look around the room before speaking again.

"How about you, Mr. Riddle?" Both boys looked over at the Professor confused as to which one he was talking about. When neither answered quickly enough for him, he huffed before calling on the next person.

"What about you Miss Nott?" he asked as he stood right behind me. I froze in my place. I knew the answer, but the true question was if I should answer correctly or not. I slowly turn to the side and shakily answer.

"Four, professor."

"Correct. And what are these ingredients?" He asked raising his left eyebrow. An indication he wants me to answer honestly. I released a slow breath before my body language changed to show my confidence in my knowledge.

"Infusion of Wormwood, Powdered Root of Asphodel, sloth brain, and the juice of Sopophorous beans," I say while looking Professor Snape in the eyes. "Please, correct me if I'm wrong," I add as he gives me a smirk, pleased with my answer.

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