Chapter Eleven

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*Emma Nott POV*

I sat on my bed in my dorm while Theo was sound asleep on his bed. I was tired from the day and was able to sneak back into my room without detection from any of my friends. I needed to get started on the app Dumbledore gave me as I had slightly forgotten about it until now. I pulled out my phone and opened up the Hogwarts Education APP.

Hello Emilia Nott. Would you like to get started with rules and regulations for accessing the app?

I hit the 'yes' button and a blank screen appeared with at least ten bullet points. I smiled as another pop-up box stated I could have as many or as little as I wanted. I clicked off the box and began to add rules and regulations I thought to be fair.

• You can ask as many questions as you would like but I can only answer during eating hours and after classes.

• Do not ask for my name or any information about myself or you will lose access for three days.

• Be polite and kind to those who comment on projects and readings, or you will lose access for three days.

• Be polite and kind when posting comments on projects and readings or you will lose access for three days.

• I am not here to do the work for you but to be a guide/help. So don't ask for answers on an entire project or reading.

• This app is used for study materials and not as a way to talk to friends. That's what you have texting on your phones for. Be considerate.

• No question is too big or small, smart or dumb, right or wrong...I'm here to help you learn materials not hinder your education.

• If I hear you talking badly about what someone asked about the material in the will lose access for three days. I will be listening and watching at all times.

• The moment you lose access to this app, you will get a notification stating that you have and won't be given access for three days.

• And lastly, help your peers to understand the material they have questions on. There will be times I'm unable to answer right away or on the same day due to my studies. Help me out and I will help you out.

I smiled at the rules I had come up with. They seemed fair to me and like something that could be managed by everyone. I hit save and another pop-up box came up.

Congratulations Emilia Nott! You have successfully added rules and regulations for this app. Would you like to add some information about yourself? Maybe what students should call you when asking questions?

I thought about what they should call me. I can't use my real name as I want to keep hidden. What should they call me? I played around with a couple of names and acronyms, but nothing stuck to me. I played around with the words wise and knowledgeable when a fun acronym came to me. W.A.K.O. meaning Wise And Knowledgeable One. I smiled and added a short bio.

Hello, students of Hogwarts. You may call me Wise And Knowledgeable One or W.A.K.O. for short. I ask that you don't try to figure out my identity as it is secret for a reason. But I have already learned and passed all the curriculum for years first through seventh. Yes, I am a student still attending Hogwarts and not a teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore has asked that I share my knowledge with the rest of you. I ask that you be kind and considerate when asking and possibly answering questions. As I have stated in the rules, I'm not here to do the work for you but to be a helpful guide in figuring out the answers. There will be times when I might give you the answer due to the complexity and others when I will tell you where you can find it yourself. Please note that I also have my own studies to accomplish still and may not answer questions right away or on the same day. Nonetheless, all questions will be answered within 24 hours. I wish everyone the best when it comes to their studies.

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