Chapter Four

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*Emma Nott POV*

I slowly woke to someone running their fingers through my hair. I smile softly as Enzo looks at me with loving eyes. He kisses my forehead when he sees I've woken up.

"Hey. We there?" I ask, yawning and stretching my arms over my head.

"Yeah, we're here. Are you ready for another sorting ceremony?" He asks knowing I'll once again ask Professor Dumbledore to go through a resorting. I've done it every year, but the stupid hat always places me in Hufflepuff. All my friends say that I'm a true Hufflepuff, but I want to be placed in Slytherin so that I don't have to hide the fact that I take turns sleeping in my friend's dorms who are Slytherin.

The members of Hufflepuff House have permanently banished me from entering except on the first day to gather my things. Where I go after that, they don't give a shit about it. Well, except for Cedric Diggory of course. He's my only housemate who takes my side. So much so, that he's become my Hufflepuff older brother and I his Hufflepuff little sister. He will openly talk to me and welcomes me every year with open arms and a death-squeezing hug.

"Yeah. I truly hope this year will be different." I tell him as I stand to see everyone else gathering their items.

"It already is." I hear Enzo behind me. I turn around only to be met with a pair of soft lips on my own. Enzo was kissing me. I stood there shocked and confused. Was this another dream? He pulled back and smirked at my expression.

"It's not a dream darling. This explained everything." He told me, holding the letter I had written to him. The one I thought I had left on my desk. He holds my hands as he speaks. "I love you, Emilia Nott. And since your brother is okay with it finally, will you please become my girlfriend?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I got all choked up on my emotions. I nodded my head several times unable to form a sound with my mouth. He hugged me tightly as our friends cheered for us.

"I love you too, Lorenzo Berkshire." I'm finally able to say. He wipes the tears from my face as he kisses my forehead once again. I feel a hand placed on my shoulder and turn to see Pansy with tears of her own. We embrace in a hug as we cry from my happiness. She knew how much this moment meant to me...possibly more than the others did.

"I hate to break up the happy moment, but we have to go if we want to make the carriages on time," Draco said with a smile. I could tell he was happy for me and Enzo...even if he wished it was himself instead of Enzo.

I grabbed my bag and Enzo's hand before exiting the compartment. Once off the train, I find Hagrid talking to the first years. I waved to him seeing as he was one of the teachers who never treated me differently after the incident in my first year. He waved back with a bright smile before leading the eleven-year-olds to the boats.

I walk with my friends to the carriages still holding Enzo's hand tightly. He starts to hum and swing our hands to the rhythm. It makes me laugh at how cute he was being. I knew this relationship was going to work and last for a long time. We've always had a deep understanding of each other. That was the entire reason he became my best friend and now my boyfriend.

After we got into the carriage, I smiled sadly at the thestral that started to pull the carriage. I was the only one in our group who could see them. And that's only because I witnessed my mother's suicide. I was the only one home with her and my nine-year-old self held her as she died in my arms. My father found me holding onto her for dear life and pleading for her to wake up with tears staining my face. Theo had been at a friend's house for a sleepover. He only found out about her death when he returned home the next day to find my father and me a complete mess.

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