Chapter Six

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*Blaise Zabini POV* *After Sorting Ceremony, During Dinner Feast*

"Why the hell would Dumblewhore allow him to return? I thought he was on Emma's side." I hear Pansy whisper and grumble as she stares down Eli Logan. I sigh while placing my fork down. I understood her frustration and hated that prick just as much as the rest of our group, but I also knew more than the others. And that's only because Emma feels comfortable talking about everything that happened to me.

"Pans, you know Dumbledore works in mysterious ways and always has answers for his reasoning and actions...even if we hate them. Maybe something happened that allowed him to be back." I tell her while not taking my eyes off my food. I hear her scoff at my response.

Pansy has never been one to like our headmaster and has always said that he was out to get every Slytherin. It may seem like that to some, but I don't doubt that he cares about all the students no matter their house. But the man obviously favors Gryffindor over the rest of us.

Everyone's eyes turn to the door as it opens to show Enzo walking inside with a worried look. He walked over to our group and sat next to Pansy, across from Draco. He sighed while just staring at the food on his plate. Everyone around us could tell he wasn't okay, which meant Emma wasn't okay. Those two moods always mirrored each other in the weirdest ways. Enzo could always feel the same emotions Emma did even if they were miles apart. But then again, all those close to Emma could sense/feel something.

Enzo and Theo would feel her emotions, Pansy and Draco feel the same physical pain Emma does, the Weasley twins and Cedric could sense her location by just closing their eyes and thinking about her, Luna always knows when Emma needs to talk about something on her mind, and me...well...I know when Emma is thinking or about to try to commit suicide. It's not a special gift, well I guess it is. Theo once told me it has to do with the bracelets Emma gave all of us and the fact that no two are the same. Just like the people she gives them to.

"Berkshire, how is she?" Marcus Flint asks a few seats down. The four of us look at him to see not only Marcus and his friends but also the two new fifth-year boys staring at us with worried looks.

"She's doing better but she still misses them. She cried her eyes out asking for her childhood twins to come and save her." He told the house with sad eyes. Everyone's eyes dropped to their plates. Everyone in the house knew the story about those two boys. Even after all these years, she still wishes and hopes that they'll turn up to save her from her misery. Most of the boys sigh while some of the girls have tears in their eyes.

Our entire house stayed silent while the rest of the great hall continued to talk away. It was uncommon for the Slytherin House members to be so quiet, but we all felt bad for Emma. Not only was Eli Logan back at Hogwarts but we all knew Emma would never be placed in Slytherin. Everyone knows how deep her loyalty is and the fact that she's so accepting of everyone. Her personality would never grant access to our house...she's just too sweet, kind, and caring to be put anywhere but Hufflepuff House.

I look further down the table to find the two new fifth years looking at our group with sad expressions. I get up from my seat and make my way to them. Might as well introduce myself. I stand behind them and they both turn to me with confused looks.

"I wanted to introduce myself. Blaise Zabini." I say holding my hand out. The taller one rolled his eyes and turned away while continuing to write in a small journal. The other with a mess of curls sighs while grabbing my hand.

"Mattheo Riddle. That's my brother Tom." I freeze in my spot with wide eyes as he lets go of my hand. Did he say Riddle? He begins to smile brightly almost answering the question that ran through my mind.

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