Chapter 9 - Home

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Isagi's Point Of View...
"Well, You wouldn't come here for nothing. So, what brings you here?"
He answered saying "Fine. You caught me red handed." I laughed inside a bit when he said that. It's as if he never told a lie before AHAHAHA. "I'm actually here to take you Isagi back home in America. Ego will be staying here since he needs to work and make progress in BlueLock." When he finished his words, I looked at Ego who looked very angry. Well of course he's got the right to be angry, after all, his mother is the first in father's list but he only found out about it when Ego was 10 and that was when I was 6 years old then a year and a half later, we found out that he's with a different woman. Anyways, he continued talking saying "Just look at you both. Your attitude is worse than before. Your mother must have-" I slapped his face. I finally snapped, which is a bad thing...for him.

"Alright, that's enough. You can go ahead and talk shit about me. But never with Ego and mother. You left remember? What's the point of coming back? Do you know how hard it is to see mom like that?! She barely eat, sleep, and rest! She was devastated, depressed, and stressed. Do you even know that the three of us are suffering like this? Ego wakes up early morning to go and sell in the market while I take care of mom. It's really a good thing Ego was there or else I wouldn't even be here.

Ego was the only one there when me and mom were having a hard time. It really felt like we were family and we are even if we are only step brothers. You don't even know what we've been through! You weren't there when we needed you and you were saying that we should come back with you after you left us? What nerve you have right now to even want us back. It's been 10 years since you left. I waited for you to come back and fulfil your duty as a father once more! I was naive and immature! I should've never waited for you. After all, you did cheat on mom. Not once but twice! I was immature back then, but I've learned my lesson. Waiting for a motherfucker, thinking you'd come back, acknowledging you as my father, you being my favorite parent, it's all a fucking mistake."

The pity in his eyes looked at mine but I just gazed over it. He sighed and spoke. He said "I know I've been a bad father. I just want to change for the better. I want to be a better father for the two of you. I'm really sorry for what happened in the past. Can't we just not lean back to the past and just move forward?" Ego stood up and looked at father with a grinning face. He laughed before he let out the words he's been meaning to say and when he stopped, he said "I can't even. Want to change? Become a better Father? Man, I never thought dad jokes are sometimes funny. I don't believe any of you shittiness. Also, its not that we're leaning on the past but rather, we can never forget the past since you left such huge scars on us. But even though we do not want you here, I hate to say it but I want to thank you. Since without you, I would have never met my stupid little brother." Wow, I am so offended by that little 'stupid' thing "Well, you could've removed the stupid part but yeah, I agree. So thank you, Next! Go and get out"

He was persistent until the end so we called security. I cannot believe that we just did that. Omg slay. But although I felt a little guilty since I shouted at my own family member, I've only felt free from the past now. Not fully but I think I'm in a better place that I was before. Also, hearing my brother standing up for me and himself is just the best!! Now, this is my family. Me , my brother, mother, and my step father. I'm thankful for all of you. I smiled as I thought of this but the smile I was showing made my brother ask "You're seeing someone aren't you? Bro, this is not a dating show/place. Though it should either be that Rin Itoshi or-" I blushed a bit when I heard Rin's name. Did I accidentally give a hint to brother. "Oh well, enough guessing, go back to you room and rest, its a big day tomorrow. Are you practicing the other Ability" I nodded and answered "Yeah, but only a bit." We chatted for a bit but then we realized that we need to part ways. He patted my head "Okay, Go ahead and rest, I will too since it's almost 11 pm. Good night!!" We then separated...

It's been a while since I've had a talk with my brother. Since after having the idea of building BlueLock he left to pursue his dream to make the best team of football players in Japan. Although Mom and Stepdad never heard of it. I was the only one in our family who knew about this.

Rin's Point Of View...
It was 8pm when Ego called him and it is now 10pm. What is taking him so long? Did he get in trouble or something? Wait, why am I even worried? I thought I was here to take revenge on my brother. But I guess I'm here to feel like this. Should I just go and tell him that I like him? But what if he doesn't like me back..? I'm just scared that he will leave me just like my family. But can I really call them my family? It seems as if they don't want to even have me...I want to know more about Isagi, I want to get close to him, I want to stay beside him and I hope he wants to stay with me too...

I think I should tell him...

To Be Continued!!

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