Chapter 21 - Ego's Point Of View

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To be honest, I've been jealous of my brother ever since I came into their family. At first, everything felt unknown to me: new mom, new dad, new brother, new house, new everything. I know no such thing as love, family, brotherhood, or anything that includes family. I was jealous of my brother, Isagi, because he lived a steady life while I had to change families week by week! He only saw our abusive father every now and then and our father was fond of him. While I, had to endure all that torture and pain he gave every time. I thought his life was happy and peaceful and I became jealous of him. He's always the favorite. He's got a lot of friends, admirers, relatives, and so on! While I only had myself. I confronted him one night, I told him everything and he just brawled there like a kid. I was confused and then I realized, I'm not the only one with a miserable life. He told me about our father cheating with his mother. He told me that he never wanted to see that man ever again but since our mother is having a hard time living alone and regretting her life decisions, she still wanted to make more decisions that she will regret soon, like going to her ex's place. Soon after my talk with Isagi, He confronted his mom to stop sending Ego to our father's place. By that time, our mother was seeing someone and was very much happy with him. She told us that we would be going to Japan soon so we had nothing to worry about.

Later on, we found ourselves breathing the air in Japan. When we went there, my relationship with Isagi grew more and more. We studied at the same time and place, We ate together, we chatted, we called, and when I was in California to study, he stayed up just to call me, and I am really grateful that I had that talk with Isagi before. Maybe that's why we are like this as of now. The more our relationship grew, the more I found myself becoming overprotective of my brother. I love him dearly that I am afraid to lose him. Then, In my past life with Isagi and Rin, the first time I saw Rin, I was protecting my brother, Isagi. Few weeks later, I found out that Rin saved Isagi from a rap*st and I thanked him after. I did trust him a little but not fully, Until he showed me how much he loved my brother. 

Before, He would always come to our house and bring blue roses for Isagi. I once asked where they came from and he told me he picked it himself, he said he liked to plant flowers since his grandma who died due to a sickness taught him how to do so. I guessed he really loved his grandma to continue to take care of those flowers his grandmother planted. Those flowers must have lived long because of Rin. That's when our bond grew. The more he came to our house to pursue Isagi, the more my trust in him that he will love my brother til death do they part. Then, one day, on my way to my office to check on my friend, I heard a news from mom telling me that Rin was rushed to the hospital. They said he was on his way here when a drunk driver purposely hit him with the truck. PURPOSELY! RIN DID NOTHING TO THAT PERSON! HOW COULD HE! AND HE JUST LEFT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED? EVEN THE POLICE WERE ABLE TO DO NOTHING!

Damn, I hate polices. Why do they have to be so fucking late all the time?

I was mad and angry about everything that happened, and looking into Rin's condition made it worse. I didn't want Isagi to see Rin like that so I tried to hide it from him but when I came home, he was already crying his eyes out. He came to me and cried on my shoulders. "Stop crying Xiao Bao, Everything will be fine. I can't promise, but we will do everything we can to save his life okay?" he just nodded at what I said which made my heart burn for a second there. (I called him Xiao Bao because he's my cutie little bun" All the pain in his eyes can be seen with only just a slight gaze and it hurts me more to see him like that! He told me that Rin was going to propose to him tonight since Rin's friend told him and he planned to surprise him first but Rin made a surprise first than him! 

I loved how the two of them are. They both looked happy and so did my brother. But now, Everything is ruined! Rin is trying to live once again, Isagi kept brawling and brawling at home, and me? I am mad about how it ended just like that!

A month and a half later, As I was trying to know more about the guy who caused the conflict between the two, Suddenly a link appeared, and it was just what I wanted. I looked more deeply into it and found out what it is. As I was going to go to Isagi, I had a call. An unexpected call... "So you found out about us, what are you going to do now? Soon, they both will be dead and none of them will survive. If you don't want to be the next one then don't be so fucking stupid and just give me the flash drive" Just for the flash drive? Why did he have to make Rin go to the hospital, he could have just told me he wanted it! I ended the call without any word left from him when another call came in. It had me nervous for some reason. And that nervousness was for something really big. Mom told me, "Son!! I need your help! I-Isagi! He's Bleeding so much!!" she said as she cried out for help. I then asked where they were and as soon as I had their address, I called the ambulance praying that they would find a way to make Isagi live once more with Rin...

As I was with my mother running to Isagi that was in the hands of the doctors on the way to the surgery room, we had a little moment with Isagi. He looked at both of us with a happy face and said "Thank you, My bro. For everything you've done for me and Mom. You don't know how thankful I am! Take care of mom hmm? I will just rest for a while.." He passed out and went inside the surgery room. The doctor came outside the room and gave us the most saddening news I have ever heard "I'm sorry for the both of you, but-" I buttted in not wanting to hear anything from her anymore "Don't say it. I know." I cried my eyes out with mom. We were both crying and the doctor herself was maybe overwhelmed that she too, cried with us.

Four months later, Rin woke up without an Isagi anymore. He blamed himself for some time and soon after, he died. He was too depressed without Isagi. He told me how happy he was that the day that he will propose finally came but then all these just had to come to them. I felt so sorry for the both of them! It shouldn't be like this! They shouldn't be crying, they should be laughing! They shouldn't be mourning! They should be with each other! 

Finally, I came up with a solution. I didn't care whether I died or not at this point. I only want to save their story! I used the time and fate turner that my friend and I once made. I knew what consequences I may have to suffer but all I thought about during the process, was my lovely family. My New Mom and Dad, and my lovely brother and brother-in-law. I finished cleaning the machine's processor and fixed some more parts and then it is now ready to use. As I was in the machine with stuff from the person I was to save, "I love you both so much! Good luck on your new life" Is what I said when I suddenly woke up and found myself as the owner of this football program named BlueLock. Same family story but a different storyline. I'm alive so I guess it worked. Thank you so much! I'm alive...

To Be Continued...!

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