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It was a cold winter morning in Snezhnaya, though to be fair, that could describe every morning in Snezhnaya. The sun had barely risen yet, causing the early light to sparkle and dance across the snow, which enveloped every building in sight within a blanket of white.

As warm a feeling as the scenery gave off, the actual temperatures were anything but. The few people that were out and about at this time had been bundled up from head to toe with only their eyes visible as they peaked out from above their tight scarves. Despite the heavy winter gear donned by every citizen of the icy cold nation, they still found themselves shivering often.

Still, there were few who would dare complain about it most of the time. After all, their Archon was that of cryo, so in a way, being surrounded by her ice and snow every day was as close as most would come to being near the goddess herself.

You, on the other hand, wished you could have been one of those people.

"Y/n, hurry up!" A familiar voice called outside your door, loudly banging on the wood in an attempt to get through to you. You often slept late, a side effect of how late you were always awake, working into the night or even just trying to have some time to yourself. On most days, it wouldn't have been an issue, but today was a different case.

"Go away!" You shouted groggily, burying your head in your pillows in an attempt to block out the world for just a little longer, "I didn't finish working until four this morning!" A loud sigh escaped the lips of the person outside your room.

"I'm sorry Y/n but the Tsaritsa requested you! It seems urgent, too." You only groaned, not moving from your comfortable position.

"Tell her I got stuck in the snow yesterday and I'm going to be late!" You hollered back.

"If I do that she'll bury you six feet under the snow, Y/n!" The voice yelled, finally ceasing the loud attack they had been conducting on your door.

Outside, Signora took a step back, a hand reaching up to hold her forehead in annoyance. How had she ended up being the one that always had to deal with you? As strong and formidable of a fighter you were, and as helpful a fellow harbinger as you'd proven yourself to be to her and the others, you were also the biggest pain in the ass she'd ever met.

And yet, you were also her best friend.

Sighing, the platinum blonde woman finally gave up trying to reason with you as she glanced around the hallway. One of the other harbingers, Arlecchino, happened to be passing by in that moment, and she sent the woman a sympathetic glance.

"Y/n being difficult again?" It was more of a statement than a question, but Signora nodded her head nonetheless. Rolling her eyes, Arlecchino came to a stop next to her, glancing at your door. "Y/n!" She called, her tone telling you exactly how serious she was as you finally sat up in your bed, curious as to what the other harbinger wanted. "I hope you're not close to the door!"

With that, she lifted a foot slowly before brining it back down full force into your door, kicking it right off it's hinges as you squeaked in surprise, bringing your blanket up to shield yourself from any flying pieces of wood.

Arlecchino turned back to Signora, gesturing for her to enter with a wide smirk across her face. "You're welcome~" She sang as the 8th harbinger smiled back.

"Thank you." She then proceeded to storm into your room, rip off your blanket, and grab you by the arm, dragging you out of the room despite your protests.

"Signora, I'm not ready! I haven't even brushed my teeth!" You shouted, attempting to release yourself from her iron grip. Could someone remind you why she was only ranked 8th again? Because her strength right now was telling you otherwise.

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 | Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now