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You spent the night in one of the Northland Bank's rooms, happy to finally be sleeping on solid ground after the few days you'd already spent entirely at sea. Most people weren't aware there were rooms in the bank, but that was part of the point.

While the rest of your team would be staying in designated hotels or with members of the fatui that already lived in Liyue, you and Childe would get to stay in the bank's rooms. Not only did it make it easier for you to do your business in Liyue, being located near the city center, but it also ensured you would be staying somewhere that was friendly towards harbingers such as yourselves. As you'd already discovered when meeting the Adeptus from yesterday, not everyone in Liyue would be.

You had asked one of the bank attendants to inform you when Childe and the others arrived in Liyue, seeing as how the bank would be the first place they visited, and she had assured you that you would be the first to know. Surprisingly, she hadn't come in yet, and you were able to get a full night of sleep with no interruptions.

It seemed the rest of your team members were even slower than you'd expected, and now you were extra glad you'd ditched them yesterday.

When you finally managed to pull yourself out of the comfortable bed and down the stairs to the main area, the sun had just barely risen. Since you weren't supposed to be meeting with Morax until a little later in the day, you had some much needed time to yourself, and elected to leave the bank for a while.

"I'm taking a walk," you informed an attendant, who simply nodded in response as you swung open the door.

"Oh, there's a letter here for you, by the way." She piped up just before you stepped out, casuing you to pause and go back over, taking the envelope from her hands. "I believe it's from the eighth harbinger." She added, making a small smile appear on your face.

"Thanks." You said quietly before heading out the door and into the still-quiet city.

You hadn't gotten to explore much the day before; too exhausted from the journey to the land of geo for anything other than going to sleep. Although you didn't quite have enough time to do so before your meeting today, you could at least look around the area by the bank.

Crossing the red wooden bridge, you headed down a set of stairs, trying not to intimidate too many people as you passed them. Unfortunately, your fatui uniform and harbinger badge- which you only wore while outside Snezhnaya, since everyone there recognized you- were both dead giveaways as to just how much of a threat you were.

It wasn't that you disliked people fearing you; you were a harbinger, so you were very accustomed to it. It was more that you didn't need to be causing a scene or attracting too much attention. Things like that could too easily get in the way of what you were here to do; retrieve the gnosis and leave.

Finally, you came to small seating area with a few tables and some chairs that faced a stage. There must have been storytelling's or other shows that went on here, but right now, it was completely empty, so you took a seat, bringing out the envelope the attendant had given you.

Your name was written across it in neat handwriting you recognized all too well, and you ripped it open to read the letter Signora had sent you.


I swear to her highness the Tsaritsa, you better write me back soon. Things here have been uneventful, at best. Even though it's a pain in the ass to wake you up in the morning, having you here would be better than the painfully dull company of the other harbingers. Don't worry, I've been cussing out Scaramouche and Dottore in your honor whenever I see them. But hurry up with that assignment so things can get interesting around here again!

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 | Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now