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You smiled brightly, gazing at the huge floating lantern that had been made to resemble one of the past Adepti, who took the form of a bird. Even though last year's Mingxiao lantern had been beautiful, you had to admit, this one topped even that.

It glowed intensely, and all around you, people were preparing for its release later that night with the rest of the xiao lanterns. You could tell they were making an effort not to notice your presence, or at least, not to be bothered by it. After all, seeing the Geo Archon out and about so casually like this wasn't something they were used to, even if you'd been performing the role for a little over two years, now.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A familiar voice spoke beside you, and you turned to see Madame Ping coming your way. You nodded.

"It is. I'm always impressed with the Mingxiao lanterns they make." She chuckled.

"I'm sure your praise means quite a lot to them," the Adeptus replied before lowering her voice, "Still, I don't often see you out and about like this with no company. Has something happened I need to be made aware of?" You shook your head quickly.

"Oh, no, it's alright," You assured her, knowing she was referring to the fact that Xiao wasn't with you. Ever since the day you'd become Archon, he rarely left your side unless he was needed elsewhere or you asked him to. He really had kept the promise he made to you way back when you first walked through the harbor together, and it made you happy to know you always had someone by your side. "He wasn't fond of the crowds that the Lantern Rite tends to bring. I'm meeting him a little further away later on."

"I see," Ping replied with a sly smile. After all, she'd always known there might be something going on between the two of you, and now that it was confirmed, she always had to fight the urge to say she'd told you both so. "Then I will let you get back to enjoying your evening. Happy Lantern Rite, Y/n, and do come visit soon. I'll make you a cup of tea." You grinned.

"Thank you, and happy Lantern Rite!" With that, you continued on your way, heading up the street and through the city. Though this was a slightly longer route than necessary, you didn't mind taking it as long as it gave you the chance to check up on all the people you protected.

Unlike when your father had ruled over Liyue, you were much more involved with the people, and could often be seen walking among them.

As far as leadership, you had little more power than the Qixing, but it still helped the citizens greatly to know you were there for them after what had happened with the loss of their first god and the fight against Osial. Your presence was a huge comfort to them, even if the sight of you could sometimes be intimidating.

"E-excuse me!" A small voice called out, and you stopped in your tracks, turning to your right to see a familiar little girl standing there. You recognized her as the same girl that had once come to congratulate you, and more specifically, Xiao, after Osial's defeat. A woman stood behind her that you assumed to be her mother, smiling proudly as her daughter approached you.

"Yes?" You asked, your gaze softening a bit as you looked down at the girl. Her hands has been behind her back, and she pulled them out to reveal two flower crowns.

"I wanted to give you these...As gifts for the Lantern Rite!" You explained, handing the crowns over to you. You took them gently, a soft smile on your face. "T-they're for you...And that Adeptus I always see with you!"

"Thank you." You replied, ruffling her hair, "I'll make sure he gets his too." She smiled brightly. You were about to turn to leave when she called out again.

"W-wait!" She exclaimed, and you looked back at her with a questioning gaze. Her mother had come over to her now, one hand delicately placed on the child's shoulder. "Since you're the god of promises, I...Wanted to ask you something." She admitted.

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 | Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now