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You stood on the deck of the huge ship, your eyes scanning the horizon for any sign that Sumeru might be near. Actually, seeing any land at this point would have helped you feel better, because then you would at least be able to figure out how close you were and accurately count the seconds left until you would finally be free from this floating hell.

The ship itself wasn't the issue. It was fairly comfortable with you having been given the biggest cabin, the best food onboard, and even a personal attendant for anything you might need. In fact, if you weren't one to get seasick, you might have been willing to stay on the boat forever, living a life of pure luxury and comfort.

Feeling another wave of nausea hit you, you tore your eyes from the ocean ahead and leaned a little further over the railing, careful not to fall right off the boat as you did so.

Your attendant made a move to come over to you but you just shook your head, signaling for him to leave you alone. A few other crew members silently passed you, being sure not to look your way or acknowledge the scene.

It was slightly embarrassing, you had to admit. You were the 5.5th harbinger, one of the strongest people Snezhnaya had ever seen, and you even had the blood of a god running through your veins. Yet despite all that, you were still not immune to being seasick. With a sigh, you took your hands off the railing for a moment, brushing your hair back to make sure none of it was in the way.

At least you'd managed not to make too big of a scene about it so far, simply staying near the edge of the boat and rushing to lean over it anytime you felt nausea coming on.

Plus, you'd gotten so little sleep the night before that you'd been able to have plenty of quiet time to yourself, something that you found was becoming more and more rare the longer you traveled with Childe. Now finished with your hair, you glanced up to check the position of the sun, wondering just when he was going to be rising from his own cabin to torment you.

"Feeding the fish this morning, I see." The voice you so dreaded to hear suddenly ripped you from your thoughts, and you would have nearly fallen off the side of the ship if you hadn't managed to grab the railing in time. Now steadying yourself, you turned back to Childe with an expression so far from amusement that he felt a little bad.

"Sorry..." He said quietly before looking back out at the sea, "Your attendant told me you're not feeling well?"

"I'll be fine," you replied shortly, too tired to even bother telling him to leave. So much for peace and quiet, you supposed. "Just seasick."

"I see," the eleventh harbinger replied, unsure of quite how to help you. You realized he probably never had to deal with this since he had a hydro vision. Glaring, you looked away from him again, praying to just see some kind of land, anything that would give you the hope you needed to continue on with this horrible trip. Unfortunately, your prayers fell on deaf ears.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Childe finally broke the short silence, his voice carrying a hint of concern that you chose to ignore.

"I already told you; sick." You replied shortly, only for him to shake his head.

"No, I meant about going to Liyue," he explained softly, afraid the touchy subject might cause you to lash out at him again, "You haven't seemed too thrilled about it, even though I haven't ever seen you visit there before."

"It's a long story," You replied, "I just want to get this assignment over with and go home." He chuckled, resting his elbows on the railing as he continued to gaze at the waves. A couple of narwhals were swimming not far from the boat now, occasionally jumping out of the water so you could fully see their glistening scales and pointy horns.

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