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You were floating above everyone now, much like Ningguang had done earlier when she summoned the Guizhong Ballistas. You could feel the gazes of all the others below you, but it didn't matter now. Your only goal was to ensure the Jade Chamber was able to make its hit, even if you weren't quite sure what you were doing.

Your eyes glowed a gold so brilliant that it would rival even Rex Lapis' and you began crafting an equally brilliant force field around the entire floating building. You knew your father had been known for his geo shields, but this was something else entirely. Even the Adepti would have to admit, you'd made something of your own with your geo power.

The Jade Chamber was huge, and it took all of your strength to craft and upkeep the shield around the entire thing; especially with your lack of experience using your vision, but it was enough.

Osial let out its attack, which was just as powerful as the one that had shattered the platform earlier, but it simply washed over the shield, not even making a dent as it did so. You stiffened at the impact, focusing all your energy into maintaining the force field no matter what. You couldn't fail here, not when you'd arguably given up all you'd ever known by betraying your own kind for the sake of Liyue.

You felt your body shake from the intensity, but you stood as firm as a rock nonetheless, and soon enough, the hydro power Osial was shooting at you weakened.

Once the attack finally ended, you nodded down to the traveler, who glanced up at you before putting more energy into their sword. The chamber shook once again, and suddenly, you felt it falling.

You let your shield disperse and your body collapse to the floor, exhaustion taking over you. You probably wouldn't have been as tired if you were more practiced, but there was no use dwelling on your past actions now. At least you'd done your part.

Xiao caught you carefully before you could hit the ground, and you gave him a weak thumbs-up as he briefly nodded, continuing to lend his strength to the traveler and the others.

"That was stupid," he whispered, "But well done, Y/n."

"Bet you're glad I got down from that mountain and came all the way up here now, huh?" You teased, a knowing smirk on your eyes as you could practically feel his scowl under his mask.

"Don't push it."

And then the chamber finally hit the water with a loud 'boom'. Before you could feel the impact, you were teleported away, and then everything in your vision turned white.

The next thing you knew, you were on a dock at the edge of the harbor, panting heavily as Paimon flew into your face.

"What was that?" She exclaimed, "Paimon's never seen someone do that before, and Xiao said it was the first time you even used your vision!" She was exasperated, but you just laughed between your pants, trying to catch your breath as Xiao finally let go of you, bending down as you let the air return to your lungs.

"Like I...Said," you replied between ragged breaths, "It's a...Long story."

"You better tell it to Paimon later, then!" She replied, crossing her arms before floating back to the traveler as everyone went to look out at the ocean, which had now turned peaceful and calm.

"Is it...Finally over?" Paimon asked.

"The ominous aura of that monster has indeed begun to fade." One of the Adepti replied, "The effects of the sigil of permission last but a short time."

"We are indebted to you for your assistance," Ningguang smiled, "If the Adepti hadn't happened to be here, the future of Liyue Harbor would surely have been in great jeopardy." 

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 | Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now