Ending Notes

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Thank you all for reading! Prisoner of a Contract was an idea that had been swirling around in my head for a while, and I hope you all enjoyed how it turned out! I know it was a much longer book than what I've written in the past, but I hope you liked it anyway!

As always, you can read on to see announcements about my future plans, as well as fun facts about the book/my writing process! If you're not interested, that's okay too!


Future Projects:

I have much more in the works! You may have noticed I've been dual uploading this book alongside another one called The Corrupt Vision! It's a Sumeru Multicharacter x Reader, and I will be updating it even more frequently starting tomorrow! It's also my biggest project yet, so if you like the Sumeru characters, check it out!

I've also been working on more oneshots for my oneshots book, Viatrix, so check that out if you want to see more of my writing for various characters!

Xiao-Related Projects:

If you're a Xiao stan like myself, not to worry, there is more coming for him! Not only will he be getting some oneshots in my other book, Viatrix, but I have yet another x Reader book coming for him, so stay tuned for when I begin dual uploading Affinity alongside The Corrupt Vision on October 15th! I think you'll really enjoy what I have planned for him <3 Until then though, you can find the preview for Affinity in my book, Viatrix!


Fun facts/Writing Process:

I first came up with the idea for this book around January of 2023, right after I finished writing the In Your Dreams series! I really liked the tone of those books, but wanted to keep writing for Xiao (cause I'm a simp) and experimenting with different tones, too.

I work as a lifeguard, and often brainstorm ideas while I'm cleaning the facility at the end of the day (makes it more tolerable), which is how I first came up with this book! It was originally just going to be a oneshot about Zhongli's child, following the storyline of him giving them up due to a contract.

I also thought about doing a Xiao oneshot about reader becoming the next Geo Archon, and then realized I could combine the two to make an interesting story, so here we are!

This book took me about a month to write, but I did the majority of it shortly after having a surgery. Since I couldn't really do much else while recovering, I had plenty of time to write, and it helped a lot to be able to do so!

Fun fact #1: The shortest chapter, aside from the prologue, was chapter 14 at 2200 words because I was least inspired with it. I meant for it to be just a transition between arcs, and as I was writing I realized I had no idea where to go with it, so I decided not to draw it out.

On the other hand, the longest chapter was chapter 11 at 4600 words because I got so inspired with it and felt like I just couldn't stop writing! It was kind of the turning point in Xiao and reader's relationship, and I absolutely loved getting to show that!

Fun fact #2: This story ended up being about 75,000 words and has been my biggest book so far! If you read it all, I applaud you!


Again, thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed! <3

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