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YEAR: 1967

"FINE! I'll shave it as soon as the photo shoot is over."
"Thank ye," He leaned in to kiss me, "do not come near me until ye shave that."
"Yer so difficult," he smiled.
"I know," I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked into the living room as he walked upstairs to his study to finish writing songs for the new album.
We had lived in our new house for 8 months and I was nearly 9 months pregnant. It was very difficult for me to walk around the house, still learning where everything is, and having pregnancy brain doesn't help.

"Mummy!" Heather yelled from the staircase.
"Yes darlin?" I yelled from the couch. She started talking but I couldn't hear her. "HEATHER!"
"yes mum?"
"Come to the livin room, mummy can't hear ye!"
"Okay!" I heard her run down the stairs and crash into the living room couch. "Can I please go over Prudence's house?"
"Not now," I said grabbing a magazine off the coffee table.
"Why not?"
"Cause daddy's workin and I'm too sick to drive. Plus, ye got homework ye need to finish."
"But mum-"
"Finish yer school work."
"Okay mum, can ye help me?"
"Of course, bring it in here."
"Alright mum," she ran out of the room to grab her backpack. Soon Mary began crying.
"PAUL!" I tiredly yelled.
"I GOT HER!" I heard him walk into her room. "What's wrong Mar?"
"I hit me head," she sobbed.
"Ye and yer sister, what's with ye two constantly gettin hurt!"
"I'm sorry daddy,"
"Don't be sweetheart," he chuckled, picked her up, and brought her downstairs.
"What happened?" I asked.
"She hurt her head, must've fallen or somethin."
"Poor thing, come sit next to mummy," I said, motioning towards the couch.
When Heather was done with her homework, she went back to playing on the stairs. Mary and I sat on the couch, watching The Beatles cartoon on the telly. While Paul was upstairs in his study trying to finish the last few songs for the new album.
"Mummy," Heather said.
"Yes dear?"
"Can we go swimmin?"
"Honey, I'd love to, but once more we can't."
"Why not mum!"
"Cause I can't move and daddy's workin!"
"Why can't ye move?"
"Cause love, I'm pregnant, my big belly makes it hard to move."
"Please mum, I wanna do somethin fun!"
"Oh alright, go get in yer bathin suit."
"THANK YE MUM!" She gave me a small hug and ran upstairs.
"Do ye wanna watch the telly Mary?"
"Alright then, stay here,"
"Kay mum."
I managed to stand up and walk into the pool area. I waited for Heather to come in.
"I'm ready mum!"
"Alright then, get in, I'll be in the chair, watchin ye."
Heather hopped into the pool and began swimming, I brought a book with me so I could read. I glanced over to her whenever she said stuff like, Mummy look at me! I always smiled at her, and I'd love get in and swim with her but, I just couldn't.
As I was finishing up my book and taking my last few sips of tea, I started feeling contractions. Heather saw my pained face and ran out of the pool and to my side.
"Mummy, what's wrong?"
"Go get daddy," I tried to say calmly.
"O-okay," Heather said with a scared tone in her voice.
She ran into the main part of the house and up the stairs and bursted through the door of Paul's study.
"Heather! Ye scared me," he chuckled. He saw the scared look on Heathers face and soon became worried. "What happened?"
"Somethins wrong with mum!"
"Oh my god," he jumped out of his chair and sprinted downstairs into the pool area. "Michelle what's wrong?"
"Start the car, get the kids, now!"
"Why, what's wrong?"
"The baby's comin!"
Paul's face went white as he hurried to get the kids in the car.
"Daddy, what's wrong?" Heather asked.
"Mommy doesn't feel well, get in yer car seat," he said while buckling Mary into her seat. "Now both of ye, stay here." He started the car and ran back into the house. "I'm here Michelle," he said while grabbing my arm and helping me up from my chair.
He slowly walked me to the car and opened my door. I slowly got in, trying to hide the pained look on my face.
"Mum," Heather starts, "what's wrong?"
It was hard to talk, since I was in so much pain, I looked to Paul and hoped that he'd come up with an explanation.
"Well, Heather," Paul says with a shakey voice, "ye know how mummy's pregnant right?"
"Well, she's about to have her baby, so we need to get her to a hospital. Okay?"
We arrived at the hospital not long after our conversation. Paul blew threw all the red lights and stop signs, but people didn't care, knowing that he was a Beatle. Paul helped me out of the car first. He closed my car door and leaned me up against the car as he got Mary and Heather out of their car seats. Paul had Mary in his arms and we walked into the hospital. I was slightly leaning against Paul so I wouldn't fall. Out of nowhere Heather grabbed my hand and began walking with me.
"I got you mummy," she smiled.
I smiled back and pulled her close. I tried my best not to squeeze her little hand too hard, but sometimes I couldn't help it. When we entered the hospital I was taken right away by nurses and doctors, sometimes it was good to be the wife of a Beatle.

Lucy's POV:

"FINE!" He walked over to answer the ringing phone. "Hello?" Ringo was quiet for a while "LUCY!"
"Yeah?" I became worried.
"What happened?" I asked as I rushed down the stairs.
"Its Michelle,"
"What's wrong?"
"She's havin her kid, she wants us to be there."
"Alright, start the car, I'll go get the baby stuff."
Ringo did as I said and before we knew it, we were off to meet Michelle at the hospital.

Jude's POV:

"Hello," I said, picking up the phone.
"Hey Jude,"
"Hey Paul! What's up?"
"Its Michelle,"
As those words left Paul's lips my body froze, my face went white.
"What's wrong? What happened?" I nervously asked.
"Nothin, just havin her kid,"
"Sorry," he chuckled, "just get down her as soon as possible."
"Alright," I laughed back, "I'm on my way."

George's POV:

"Georgie, the phone is ringin!"
"Would ye mind answerin it for me dear?" I yelled from the kitchen.
"Of course," she picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Paul!" She giggled, "what's up?"
"Michelle just went into labor."
"Oh my god! We'll be right there!"
I heard her hang up and run into the kitchen. "Georgie, we need to go," she rushed to put on her jacket and hat.
"Why? What happened?"
"Michelle's about to have her kid."
"Oh, okay," I got up from the table and rushed to grab my jacket and keys. "Let's go love," I wrapped my arms around her waist and rushed her to the car. We began driving down Dewsbury Road and making out way to the hospital.
"So George,"
"When are we gonna have kids?"
I was silent for a while then I decided to speak up.
"When do ye want kids?"
"I dunno, I obviously want them before we get to old."
"Then we'll start tryin whenever ye want."
"Oh thank ye George!" She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Michelle's POV:

"Does anyone know how Michelle's doin?" Jude nervously asked.
"I think she's," Lucy paused when she heard me scream, "in pain," she chuckled.
"I'm serious!"
"Its her second kid, she's fine."
Jude immediately looked to Heather.
"Ye mean third," she snapped her head back to Lucy, "right?"
"Oh yeah! Third!"
"Hey," Ringo interrupted, "does anyone know where John is?"
We all looked around and shook our heads no. A few minutes later, Paul walked into the waiting room, everyone stood up in anticipation.
"Well?" Pattie asked.
"Its a girl!"
"Another one?" George laughed.
"Shut yer trap! C'mon," he showed them inside the room where they found me holding a little girl.
"What's her name?" Lucy asked.
"Stella," I smiled. I looked around the room and didn't see John or Yoko. "Hey Paul,"
"Yes love,"
"Where's John?"
He let out a sigh, "I'll go call him."
Paul walked to the phone across the room and began dialing Johns number.
"Hello?" John said.
"John, Michelle wants ye and Yoko down at the hosptial."
"She had her kid,"
"I'd love to Paul, but I can't."
"Why the fuck not!"
"Cause Brian just died..."

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