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Over the next few days, they all searched relentlessly, combing through every piece of footage JARVIS sent their way. Nat utilized her network of contacts for intelligence gathering, while Tony and Sam did the same but via U.S. military departments. Clint scoured the city, hoping to find something useful while also keeping an eye out for any Hydra movements.

Bucky spent most of his days in the gym, destroying a poor punching bag that now hung from the ceiling by a "supersoldier-proof chain," as Stark had described it.

"I know her, apparently," Bucky said as Steve leaned against the door frame of the gym

"But you can't remember her?"

Bucky couldn't remember her, nor could he remember that there had been a woman in Siberia with him. But he was sure that if he saw her, he could put the pieces back together.

"I thought all my memories had returned by now. They never really stop coming back, mostly at night. But she's not just someone I once fought with. How can I not remember her?"

"I don't know, Buck, but as you said, healing isn't a linear process. Maybe your memories need something to latch onto."

"Steve, I have fucking nightmares about people I've killed and only seen once. How can I not remember someone who was apparently with me for months?" Bucky spoke in a tone that was sad, almost angry.

"I don't know, but we'll figure this out. We'll find her and we'll figure this out, we always do." Steve reassured him as the door closed. Bucky was already struggling, but this situation was taking a heavier toll on him than Steve had anticipated. He didn't know what was going to happen next.

A week later, they were all gathered in the meeting room, where Wanda and Bruce were explaining Shuri's new devices.

"It's basically a small chip that will be implanted in my shoulder. When I turn into the Hulk, it will send small impulses to my brain, keeping it steady and focused on my true self. This way, the Hulk version will not take over my mind, only the body," Bruce said, holding up the little chip. There was a hint of joy in his voice, and he seemed less anxious than normal, which was heartwarming to see. Nat was smiling too.

Their attention, however, was abruptly drawn away as JARVIS interrupted

"Mr Stark, there is someone at the front door,"

They turned their gazes towards the monitor, which showed the live view from the front door camera. The woman they had been tirelessly searching for was standing there, her hands held out in front of her in a clear sign that she held no weapons.

" run a check on her, then let her in," Tony ordered, his voice steady but stern.

They watched in anticipation as two of their security guard approached her, swiftly disarming her of all her knives, and secured her hands with one of Stark Industries' handcuffs, the one that could keep supersoldiers and witches in check. Every minute that passed felt like an eternity until finally, the glass doors slid open. She locked eyes with Tony, a silent communication passing between them as she circled the table, heading in his direction. Her pace was unhurried, every step deliberate and controlled. She made almost no sound. Her upper body was still but flowed with each movement. Nat was right: she could easily slice one of their throats, and they wouldn't even notice.

She turned to look at them all, her gaze resting on Steve before shifting to the men beside him.

"Winter Soldier, nice seeing you again," she acknowledged, her voice cool and detached. She didn't even bother to glance a second time in his direction. The room fell into silence as Bucky visibly stiffened.

"I've heard whispers that you've been looking for me Stark," she continued, her attention now captivated by the monitor displaying their numerous files about her.

"Well, now that you're here, perhaps you could enlighten us," Tony retorted, inching closer to her, "Why exactly are you here? And who are you? Gold Fox?" Her response was a sound of disgust, but her eyes held a glint of amusement.

"Hydra really needs to hire someone with a better knack for nicknames. After his," she gestured vaguely towards Bucky, "they've all been rather ridiculous." A hint of a smile played on her lips as she added, "They are calling me The Black Wolf now. Isn't that ironic?" Bucky almost felt like a statue.

"I'm here because I need your help. And before you can even ask, I'm going to give you everything you need to know about me," she stated "I'm not with Hydra, I'm not with the government, I'm not with you. I work for the people. Yes, I was in the corner of almost every mission in the last few years. Yes, I did interfere. You just didn't realize. Everything I did, I did it to contain your damage. Yours and Hydra's." She never shifted her weight, was steady and composed, and looked directly at each and every one of them. Then she brought her still-tied arms down to rest on the table, almost as if to give Tony the okay to speak. But it was Bucky who addressed her. "What should we help you with, exactly?" he asked. She stared at him for a little too long, almost showing a bit of awkwardness. Her hands were back again in front of Tony's face as she eyed him, indicating that she wanted them untied. But he shook his head. "You know that your men left at least 2 knives on me and that I don't really need my hands to fight?" she said. "If you try anything..." "I won't."

As soon as her hands were unbound, she reached into a pocket on her hip and took out a small USB, which she handed to Tony.

"JARVIS, initiate a virus scan. If it comes up negative, proceed," Tony commanded.

The monitor flickered before revealing the floor plan of what appeared to be a school.

"There are seventeen children. I can't rescue them by myself. The Taliban are planning a raid, and your government is conveniently looking the other way," she informed them, her voice void of any emotion. Their confusion was palpable.

"Read the file, do the things you do. I leave in 3 days. If I do it alone, 17 lives will probably be on your conscience" she said as she opened the doors. Her eyes were fixed on Steve, and the room was frozen in place.

As she spoke, she opened the large double doors to exit. Her piercing eyes were fixed on Steve, and everyone else in the room seemed frozen in place, hanging onto her every word.

In that moment of silence, Steve found his voice. "And what about your name? He had so many questions and so few answers.

In response, all he received was a grin. Her eyes were sparkling with an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. Was it confidence? Excitement? Fear, perhaps? It was hard to tell.

Undeterred, Steve pressed on, "Can we at least see your face?" But she remained silent, her grin never fading, the mystery of her identity still intact. The doors slid closed behind her, leaving everyone in the room with a sense of unease and a mountain of questions.

After a few tense minutes, the room began to empty, the sound of departing footsteps echoing through the space. Everyone had started to exit, except for Bucky, his gaze fixed on an indeterminate point in the distance, staring into the void as if attempting to decipher what just happened.

Steve waited for him.

"Nothing," Bucky finally said his voice barely above a whisper. The word hung in the air, heavy with disappointment and a hint of resignation.

"Maybe you need to see her face to remember," Steve said, his tone gentle, and understanding.

"You recognized me by my eyes, Steve," Bucky retorted, his voice laced with a bitter edge and hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, but I wasn't the one with a lack of memories," Steve shot back, his words sharp yet filled with compassion. He knew he couldn't fully comprehend the depth of Bucky's struggle, but he was determined to help him navigate through it.

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