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Hi everyone!! This chapter was a bit fast written and I'm not so happy with it, after exam season is over I will go through it again and fix everything!
I'm still debating if it's better go just do a quick sum up of Iris's life before the Avengers (like this) or to give it more space!! Let me know what you prefer✨✨✨✨✨


Ten years ago, Iris lived with her mother and younger sibling, Claire, in a quaint house in peaceful suburban Chicago. Their father, a military man, had been dispatched on a mission when Claire was a baby. They hadn't had any contact with him for over nine years. The family adjusted to the void left by his absence and strove to overcome the challenges they faced.

Sarah, their mother, was a strong, resilient woman, working as a government agent and civil cases lawyer between the people and the military court. Her position involved her in sensitive matters, often requiring long hours, but Iris was old enough to look after Claire.

Life was quiet until Claire's health deteriorated, her blood cells compromised due to the radiation her father had been exposed to during his mission in Iraq.

One grim afternoon, Claire collapsed suddenly, her small body convulsing before she fell unconscious. Iris, who was sixteen at the time, had been preparing lunch at the time, dropped everything and rushed to her side. The sight of Claire's limp body, her skin pale and her lips tinged with blue, sent waves of panic through Iris. Without wasting a moment, she picked up her sister's frail body and rushed to the hospital.

Once there, the doctors immediately took Claire for examination. Iris was left in the waiting area, her heart pounding in her chest as she anxiously awaited for her mom to pick up the phone or to read the thousands of messages she sent.

When their mother arrived at the hospital, her face was ashen. She had been in the middle of a meeting when she received Iris' frantic call. Sarah rushed to Iris, pulling her into a tight hug, her eyes filled with worry.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally emerged, inviting them into the room. He had a grim expression on his face, his eyes filled with a sorrow that made Iris' heart sink.

"I'm sorry," he began, his voice low and filled with regret. "We've done everything we can. It's not the first time we've seen this. The only way for her to stay alive is to stay here. These machines will clear her blood and her body will keep functioning as normal."

"You mean stay in here forever?" Iris asked stunned as the doctor barely nodded.

"No no she can't, what do you mean she has to stay here forever, she's only nine!" her broken voice filling in the room.

The world seemed to stop. The words echoed in Iris' ears, each syllable a painful reminder of their helplessness. Sarah's grip on Iris tightened, her body rigid with shock. The room was silent, the only sound being the distant hum of the hospital equipment.

The reality of Claire's condition hit them like a bullet. Their world, which had been so simple and peaceful, was shattered in an instant. They were left grappling with the painful truth.

Iris adjusted her life around Claire's hospital schedule, driving to the hospital every morning and returning every afternoon to help with homework. Their mother worked tirelessly to cover the hospital bills, and Iris took on part-time jobs during school breaks to help out.

"You're home early" Iris looked at the clock when her mother entered the kitchen.

She just nodded, placing a fold of papers on the table. Iris came closer and picked it up.

"I think I may have found something" Sarah pointed at the papers.

The first page was a piece of a military trial transcription. Iris read the highlighted part "...We tried our best, but McKnight was already in a bad state. Maybe the machine could have worked if he wasn't already dead."

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