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"What's going on?" Tony asked meeting them at the etrance, his eyes darting between Steve and Iris.

"We might have a lead," Iris said, holding up the USB.

"What's that?" Tony asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Back when I was with HYDRA," Iris began, her voice steady, "I was assigned as Bucky's supervisor for a mission in Bucharest. I managed to copy the key to enter the server of HYDRA's Winter Soldier project onto this USB."

Tony's eyes widened "And you think they're still using the same server?" he asked, skepticism evident in his tone.

"It's a long shot," Iris admitted, "But it's the best chance we have."

Tony took the USB from her "Alright," he said, "I'll see what I can do."

He turned around to face her, a smile appearing on his face "It's good to have you back, Iris"

She gave him a little smile as he walked away to work on deciphering the data on the USB.

"Come on, let's go see the others." Steve said as he placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her inside.

As Iris followed Steve through the quiet hallways of the compound, she could hear faint laughter and chatter growing louder as they neared the common area. As they entered, the sound abruptly ceased. All eyes turned towards them, the surprise evident on their faces.

Iris locked eyes with Natasha, who was the first to react. A slow, warm smile spread across Natasha's features, she rose from her seat gracefully, her eyes never leaving Iris. "Well, look who's back," she greeted, her voice holding a softness that Iris rarely heard, brimming with unspoken emotions.

Iris returned the smile, feeling a familiar warmth spreading through her as she responded, "It's good to see you, Nat."

Sam, his eyes wide with surprise and relief, offered her a bright smile. He enveloped her in a warm hug as Wanda rushed forward as she threw her arms around Iris. The embrace was tight, filled with a desperate kind of relief that left Iris feeling a pang of guilt.

The room gradually filled with laughter and warm conversation. They caught up with each other, and shared stories, and for a moment, it felt like Iris had never left.

As the night wore on, the group gradually dispersed, drifting off to their own corners of the compound. The laughter faded, the lights dimmed, and Iris found herself alone with Steve. She was sitting on the carpet and he was sitting on the sofa in front of her, in his hand a few last drops of whiskey. Their conversations in Bucharest hung heavy in the air between them, an unspoken tension that neither of them seemed ready to address.

"I missed this," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes reflected a mix of emotions: longing, regret, a hint of sadness.

Steve turned to look at her, his gaze steady as his eyes mirrored her emotions" We missed you, too," he paused "I missed you".

The silence that lingered between them was a familiar one. Iris couldn't help but let her eyes wander over Steve's face, tracing the lines that losing his best friend again and the desperate search for him had etched on his features. She saw the unwavering determination that had always drawn her to him, but she also saw the layers of pain and regret hidden beneath.

Steve broke the silence first, his voice soft yet firm, "Iris, we need to talk." There was a seriousness in his tone, an underlying tension that made her heart skip a beat.

She nodded, meeting his gaze with a resigned expression, "I know, Steve."

It was clear to Iris that the Steve standing in front of her was not the same Steve she had left behind.

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