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It was an ordinary day in the gym, as typical as it could be when Natasha and Iris were training together. The distinct sound of their fists hitting each other, the soft thud of their feet impacting the training mats, echoed across the room. They had been at it for around two hours, neither of them backing down. Their fighting styles contrasted starkly: Natasha's strikes were quick and precise, like a viper striking its prey, while Iris's were forceful and deliberate, like a lioness pouncing on her target. Natasha was a shadow, always seeking an opening, while Iris was constantly creating one.

The fierce determination in Natasha's eyes mirrored Iris's. However, there seemed a slight restraint in Natasha's movements. She was holding back.

"You can hit harder than that," Iris said rolling her eyes playfully as she took a quick sip of water. "I wouldn't want to damage America's new damsel," Nat retorted, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "Firstly of all, I'm not a damsel, and secondly, America will never get a thing from me," she chuckled in response, setting down her water bottle and glancing at the time. It was getting late. "It's already past eleven, isn't it time for your Monday briefing?" she asked nonchalantly. "Tony sent a message; we're meeting after lunch," Nat replied, her fingers grabbing her towel to wipe off the sweat that had gathered on her forehead. "So, lunch then?" she suggested, a playful glint in her eye that by now she knew all too well. "Finally, some girl time," Iris responded, a genuine smile spreading across her face.

Once they had taken a well-deserved shower, they decided to go out to a small, quiet café near the compound. It was a hidden gem, rarely frequented by anyone else. The quiet atmosphere was a welcome change. As they settled down and ordered some food, Iris couldn't help but notice Natasha's intense gaze. She was studying her. "I know we don't usually bring this up, but I need to ask about your relationship with Steve," she said, her voice carrying an assertive tone Iris was familiar with. "What do you want to know?" she responded, her heart heavy with the knowledge that this conversation was inevitable. "Are you even really planning on staying?" she asked, her gaze piercing through the veil of her composed exterior. "I want to," Iris confessed, her eyes wandering to the view outside the window, trying to avoid her intense scrutiny. "But you can't," she concluded, her voice dropping a notch as she leaned back in her chair. "I can't stay here, Nat. The government has put a price on my head, and so has Hydra. I can't put all of you in the line of fire. You don't deserve to be dragged into this chaos," she said, her voice heavy with the weight of her decision. "I shouldn't even be here now. I should have left as soon as I healed from the accident. I'm not supposed to be in this world of superheroes and villains. I'm supposed to stay on the side and help the people you leave behind." Natasha remained silent for a beat, her gaze never leaving her. "Then why did you stay after you healed?" she pressed, her voice gentle yet firm. "I keep telling myself that I don't know, but the truth is, I was afraid of being alone again. I liked the idea of having a stable roof over my head, a warm meal every day, and people who genuinely cared about me. And I started to like Steve," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Then stay," she said, her eyes searching for a glint of hope, "You can stay with us while we figure out how to handle your situation with the government and Hydra. They were our first enemy, long before we ever met you." "Hydra became your first enemy when you brought the Winter Soldier back. All that trouble for him," she scoffed, bitterness creeping into her voice. Natasha studied her silently for a moment before speaking again. "He's the reason you don't want to stay." Iris looked away, unable to meet her gaze. She had hit the nail on the head, but admitting it was another battle altogether. Yes, her feelings for Steve were complicated. She was beginning to like him, genuinely so, but he was James' friend, basically like a brother. She wasn't sure she could handle being around him every day. But as she sat there, she couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, she could find a way to navigate this storm and make things work. "I can't promise anything, Nat," she finally said, meeting her gaze again, "But I'll try. For now, that's the best I can say to you" "That's all I'm asking for," she responded, her intense gaze softening. Her next words held a certain sincerity that tugged at her heartstrings, "I know this scares you, but if you stay you're going to be a part of this family eventually, and truth be told, you don't always like everyone in your family" The rest of the lunch went by in a comfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts.

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