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"Oooh, come on, man. That movie is atrocious," Sam chuckled, as he made fun of Steve's movie choice for the night. His laughter echoed around the room.

"You have no taste," Steve retorted, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards into a smirk as he finished his last slice of pizza.

"I mean, he's kind of right..." Iris interjected carefully. Steve shot her a sideways glance, his eyebrows raised in surprise as Sam erupted into another laugh "See, even your girl agrees with me."

"We will never agree on what to watch," Tony sighed, his voice filled with a fake disappointment that made everyone chuckle. He finished his pizza, his gaze sweeping around the table as he pondered over their next activity.

"What about game night?" He clapped his hands together, the sharp sound cutting through the chatter and drawing everyone's attention. "It should be fun, plus I just want to drink, okay?" He looked at each of them for confirmation, his gaze lingering slightly longer on Iris. "Iris? Yes? Steve, Sam, Bruce, Wanda? Yes? Bucky?"

"No," Bucky responded firmly, shaking his head as he started to collect his empty plate.

"Okay, everyone's on board," Tony declared, ignoring Bucky's refusal. He pushed himself off the chair "Let me grab the goodies."

Tony returned to the room, his arms filled with bottles of whiskey, vodka, and beer. He placed them on the table.

"Alright, everyone," Tony began, his voice carrying a note of excitement. "Tonight's game is Wanda's favorite, a little something called 'Drink or Answer'."

There were groans and chuckles from around the room as Tony began to lay out the rules. "It's simple but you now, better explain anyway to some of you: you draw a card, choose someone, read the question on it, and they either answer truthfully or they take a shot. If they lie and get caught, you take two shots," Tony explained, brandishing a deck of cards in his hand.

"So, the supersoldiers here can just lie their way throught the game?" Iris commented

"No for them we have a little gift from the Gods" Tony chuckeld pointing at a little carafe "I saw Thor drunk on this things, it works"

Steve rolled his eyes, but there was a smile playing on his lips as he shrugged.

"And first off, we have Wanda!" Tony announced, passing her a card from the deck. Wanda took it with a smile, her eyes scanning the question written on it. A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she turned to Bruce, "So, Bruce," she began, her tone teasing, "This one's for you."

Bruce tensed slightly, looking apprehensive, "Alright, shoot."

Wanda's smile widened, "When was the last time you had your heart broken?"

The room fell silent as Bruce pondered the question. He took his time, choosing his words carefully before responding.

"Two years ago," Bruce said quietly, his gaze distant as he recalled memory. "Natasha and I... we broke up. It was a mutual decision, but it didn't make it any less painful." He paused, swallowing hard as he glanced at the rest of the team. "We kept it low, didn't want to distract the team with our personal matters."

He looked away, his gaze settling on the far end of the room. "That's about the time when we left for Wakanda," he continued pointing at Wanda.

"I knew it! I knew something was wrong during that trip. Why didn't you tell me Brucy, we are a family remember?"

"Yeah yeah I know, just, you know" Tony patted him on the back "But now everything's good so"

With a smile, Bruce reached out and picked up a card from the deck. He glanced at it and his eyebrows raised slightly. "these questions are not light," he commented, drawing a chuckle from the others. Then he turned her attention "Tony," he began, his voice turning softer "Do you ever feel lonely?"

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