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This chapter is so long I'm so so sorry ! Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about the story so far!!!


A week later

Natasha walked into Steve's room, her face a mixture of worry and satisfaction. She found him resting, or at least attempting to. The stress of the past weeks was evident in his features, the lines on his face deeper, his eyes tired, his beard longer and his hair messier. Not the usual Captain America picture America loves so much.

"Steve," she began, her voice soft. "I found Iris."

His eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice. He sat up immediately, his gaze intent on her. "Where?" he asked.

"She's in Europe," Natasha replied, "Zagreb."

Relief and worry crossed Steve's face. He nodded, his mind filled with questions and plans. "I need to go. I can't waste any more time. I'll take one of the jets."

"No," Natasha said firmly. "We should go. You're not going alone."

Steve tossed a bag on his bed and began to pack the essentials. "Nat, I need you here. We need all hands on deck to find Bucky."

"Yes, but we have no idea what she's gotten into," she said, sitting on the bed while he rummaged through his drawers. "I highly doubt she's stayed out of trouble." Nat chuckled, but her voice was serious and concerned.

"I can handle it, Nat. I need you here to find Bucky. You know HYDRA better than anyone. I need you here."

Natasha nodded, understanding his concerns. "We will continue the search, Steve. But right now, Iris might be our best chance of finding Bucky. Don't mess this up."

Steve looked at her, his gaze filled with gratitude. He knew she was right. As much as a part of him wanted to stay here, to be part of the search for Bucky, he also knew that Iris could be their best chance of finding him.

"Alright," he said, standing up, his bag ready "I'll go find Iris. But you need to promise me you'll call the moment you find something."

"I promise, Steve," Natasha replied, offering him a small smile. "We'll bring Bucky home."

As each hour passed on the jet to Europe his mind kept racing, the thought that Bucky was in the hands of Hydra. The thoughts of what they could be doing to him, of the possibility of the Winter Soldier returning, haunted him. He tried to dismiss these thoughts, focusing on the task at hand - finding Iris. He wondered about her activities and whereabouts over the past two years. The initial months without her were challenging. One day he was falling for her, and the next, her bed was cold, her scent missing. He wasn't angry with her, but he was hurt. The fact that she gave up on them, on him, quickly and easily without discussing it, was painful. He eventually came to understand her reasons, but that didn't lessen the pain.

Meanwhile, at the compound, the atmosphere was tense. Natasha, Clint, Sam, Wanda, and Tony were working around the clock, following every lead, every possible trace of Hydra's movements. Despite their efforts, the leads were scarce and they seemed to be always one step behind Hydra.

Back in Zagreb, Steve landed in the early hours of the morning. As he went through the city, going to the last known address Natasha had found, he found himself standing in front of the apartment building, he felt a surge of anticipation. He knew he was on the right track.

After making his way to her apartment, he knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again, this time a bit louder. Again, no answer.

Growing impatient, he decided to pick the lock. As he quickly took a look around he pulled out a small lock picking set from his pocket and he had the door open in no time.

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