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Javon 's pov
"JAVON JAVON!" I opened my eyes to see Jayla jumping on my freking bed
"Jayla what the fuck are you doing get off my bed and put of my room" I said sitting up on my bed

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed so I guess I am gonna go to Y/n 's concert with Jaden and she is gonna fall in love with him and live together for the rest of their lives in a cabin in the mountains with 2 kids and a husky " she said smirking getting off my bed showing my diary
Shit did she read me Diary
"Jayla " I said and jumped on top of her to get my diary back
She was about to leave when I rethink what she said wait.......

"Y/N IS COMING HERE "I yelled realising
"Umm yes but because your being mean to me I am gonna take Jaden " she teases me
"Ugh I am sorry I guess" I muttered
"Now give me the ticket" I jumped on top of her once again
"Hmm I guess I can give them to you on one condition" she said
"What" I asked knowing it was probably something stupid that I am gonna hate

"Give me Y/N number" she said smirking
"No Never " I told
"You know what I will just get my own ticket they just announced it today" I went to the website to see they were all sold out
I saw jayla smirking
"Now you gonna give me her number ' she asked
"Why do even want it though " I asked confused
She shrugged " I need to talk to my future sister in law where it is you Jaden ."
" Ok write it down ' I told her
"No what if I make a mistake" she told me
"Exactly" I replied
It's **********
She than started to text someone probably Y/n
"K it's her " she said getting up
"Here" she gave me the ticket

Y/n's pov

Unknown - hey <3

Me- excuse me who r u

Unknown- ur future sister in law

Me- lily I am not ever getting back with ur brother no matter how much of an asshole Austin is

Unknown - Austin ? I am Javon's sister Jayla

Me- omg Jayla I love u so much

Unknown - omg yes Fuck Javon and get with me

( Change unknown to Jayla 💍)

Me- wait but why did you called me your sister in law

Jayla💍- cause he is like obsessed with u 💕🌼

Me- omg I know

Jayla 💍- but just tell me u don't like him too 😏

Me-what nooo

Jayla 💍- come on admit it

Me- only if you don't tell anyone

Jayla 💍- omg yasss finally say it !!

Me- yes I may have a crush on him but may I ask how un the world did u get my number ?

Jayla💍- well the only why I could get it was by bringing him with tickets fot your show in Atlanta

Me- omg he is coming to the show wait I have to tell u something

Jayla💍- what is it ?

Me- I am gonna come to Atlanta not just for the tour about after a month to meet up with my cousin

Jayla💍- omg yay we get to hang out

Me- oh shit I gotta go my annoying brother

Jayla💍- don't I know all of that

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now