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Javon's pov

I was getting warmed up for my match when I got a call from my amazing girl friend I obviously picked it up "hey wanna"she said I could hear a lot of back ground noises  "Hi  where are you ?" I asked her "At the mall had to pick some things up " I nodded "Well I just called up asked how you were and to wish good luck to my amazing talanted boyfriend" I smiled I didn't say anything but it meant a lot coming from her lips ohh those soft lips I can dream about kissing her all day long "Wanna you still there? " She asked me snapping me Outta my thoughts "Umm yeah thanks" I smiled "Sorry y/n I gotta go the match is about to start" she smiled "okay good byee " she ended the call and my dad called I than saw my opponent he walked up to me "Hey your Javon Walton right  the guy whose dating y/n ? " I just nodded "Well I gotta say you scored one hot chick " my brain was about to explode who was he to talk about my girl like that I gave him a death stare and said " You are gonna regret saying that" as the match starts he began to throw punches which I dogged all of them  easily after he failed I started to throw  which were on point she started falling back he started to throw punchs me the match went on for a while the boy than said something in my ear " What Walon are you scared I bet I can beast your ass and than fuck your little girlfriend " that was it for me I threw a hard punch knocking him down as I gave him a bloody nose I just smirked at him as the announced me the winner  as I gotta Outta the ring all  of my friends and family came to congratulate me "We have a amazing suprise for you kids" my mom told us "what is it ? " Jayla asked our parents lead us outside "Where is the suprise ?" I asked my dad just than I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around to see the most gourous girl ever  I quickly picker her up and threw her over my "This is the best suprise ever " I started to spin her "Put me down Javon " she said laughing I put her on the group and Jayla ,Jaden and Daelo all ran up to her and hugged her  "how are you here ? " I asked her she just looked at me and said "What can't a girl wanna see her boyfriend and his amazing family" she said and came to hug me once again "congrats by the way you  were amazing".
"Hey guys do you all want to go home or eat out "his dad asked "I have to go back to my cousin 's "y/n told me I pouted "You can't do that it's either you coming with me or I am kidnapping you  so what do you choose?" I asked her "wanna I am sorry but- " I cut her off by picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder "okay okay I will come with you Walton just put me down "she finally agreed and I put her down and we went to the car I sat in the backseat with y/n she rested her head my my chest  next thing I know I drift off to sleep.
I felt a little shake oh my shoulder I woke up to see my mom " Wanna honey wake up y/n is asleep so you gonna have to carry her inside"I nodded and carried her bridal style and I am  not kidding when I say the girl is as light as a feather I can carry her around all day if that's what she wanted I went up to my room and slowly and carefully placed her on my bed.

Time skip to 3 Am

I woke up to small sobs I slowly opened my eyes to see y/n crying I slowly shook her arm and she looked up at me her eyes were all red and puffy "I-i am sorry I didn't mean-n to w-wake you up " she said in between sobs I pulled her on to my lap and peaked her lips and whispered in her ear "What happened n/n ?" She looked up at me and said "Nightmare" I than comforted her this was the first time I had seen her cry I can't believe I dam saying this but she looks beautiful even went she is crying .
I put my arm around her and pull her into a hug while whispering sweet things in her ears. After a while the sobs stopped and she looked up at me "I am sorry for -um crying on you " she said  I looked at her and smiled "It 's okay y/n ,you wanna talk about what happened?"I asked her so she doesn't think I am forcing her up for anything she nodded "I had a dream that y-you left me-e and my e-ex Austin-n came to be and begun to beat the shit outta me and raped me" she again burst out in to tears I hugged her and after a while finally calm down I wiped her tears "shh I will never leave you and if the that bastraed ever comes near you again than I will be the one to beat the shit outta him no matter what happened I will always protect you " she smiled at me "Thank you so much Javon you have no idea how much that means to me "she told me I than kissed her forehead and she layed her head on my chest "You looke beautiful n/n " she blushed at that "Remember when I texted you by mistake" she nodded "Well that was the best mistake I ever made "

Well that's it for this chapter luv y'all pls vote and comment ✨🌼

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now