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Y/N 's PoV
I still can't believe that I am writing an whole dam song cause of an Stanger I mean even if Javon was annoying me for like felt for ever he helped me if I don't finish this song by the end of the week I will be in trouble
I sighed and got off my bed and and sat on the piano and started to play the song
Than suddenly I heard a knock on my door come on man I just started I like to be alone when I am writing my music
"Y/NNNN OPEN THIS DOOR" A familiar voice came is couldn't be

U opened the door to see my big brother Nick he went to college and I had not seen him in so long the last time I saw him was 5 freking mouths ago
"Nicky !!" I said and threw arms around he picked me up and spung me around

"Nick put me down! " I yelled at him

And he finnally droped me

"Hey !! That hurts " I said with a pout on my face

He held his hand out and lifted me up
"Hello princess "
"I rolled my eyes at him
"Why did you tell me you were coming back?" I asked him
"I just wanted to suprise you so I told mom not to tell you " he chuckled
"Mom knew ? " I asked suprised
He nodded
"So what have you been working on ?"
He asked me
"Well yeah but I am not sure of how it turned out " I told him

"Well when did you start writing the song ?" He asked me
"Last night " I replied
"LAST NIGHT ! " he yelled
"Shhh yeah I had writer's block and my head literally empty and some weird shit happened last night ,I found it funny so I started to write about that " I told him

"What happened ?" He asked me
I know I should not tell him not cause I don't trust him but because he is very over protective once when I used to go to public school this guy had a crush on me but I think it was only cause of my fame so my math teacher made us partners for a project and would not let me change partners
My overprotective ass of a brother got me homeschool I mean is a lot and many people don't believe me and tell me I am extracting but I am not he told our parents that I was being troubled at school well my mom my dad passed away when I was young so I don't know what will he do if he found out I texted an random guy

"Guess you will have to wait" I told
He smiled at me and said "fine I guess I will have to wait "
"Well tA Ta I GoT To GoOOo An FInish ThE SonG" I said and pushed him out of my room

Finally I started with the song

........................Time skip.......................
1 hr laterrrrrr

One notification !

One new text from Javon

Well I guess I do need a break

Javon-hi ;)

Me- sup

Javon - so I was wondering


Javon - what is your name ?

Me- hmm how about I don't tell u

Javon- how about you dooo

Me- No

Javon -yes

Javon's pov
Why is she being so stubborn

(Btw the contact on his phone for Y/n will be secret girl)

Secret girl- no

Me- oh come pls

Secret girl- no

Me- pretty pls 🥺🥺

Secret girl- hmm let me think.........


Secret girl- Nah I am good

Me- pls tell me I told you my name

Secret girl - I did not tell you to tell me your name 😒😒

Me- come on fine bye

I angrily closed my phone

One new notification from secret girl

Secret girl- fine I will tell you my name. I guess

Me- really

Secret girl - yeah cause I just some how do not want you to be mad at me idk I care but yeah you get it

Me- yayyyy I knew you care

Secret girl - don't ruin it🔪

Me- fine well what is your name

Secret girl- my name is Y/N L/N
But Ever one calls me N/N

Wow Y/N it is a beautiful name

Me- wow you have a beautiful name ❤️❤️

Change secret girl to Y/n

Y/n- I know and are you happy now

Me- yass teh happiest 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃Well I got to go srry bye

Y/n- wait why ?

Me- will talk to you later byeeee

Y/n bye I guess


Hope you all like love yall byeeeeee

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now