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were we left off

Javon 's pov

Y/n- wanna that's my ex....

Javon-what u never mentioned an ex

Y/n- well he isn't someone I ever want to see again

Javon- n/n I understand love but r u ok ?

Y/n-yea I guess

Javon-well in that case is he the on who cheated on u ?

Y/n- yeah he is......

Javon-k well Jaden is calling me so I gotta go take care 🌼

Y/n- all right byee


Austin the guy who made me fight with my own twin brother also broke me girls heart ,he is the reason she has trust issues." Javon come upstairs !" I heard Jaden yell from upstairs as we all had finished dinner Jaden and Austin went upstairs to hang out while I was sitting her alone while all the adults are in the back yard I walked upstairs as slowly as I could because I didn't want to see that sick bastard's face as u entered the room Jaden said " finally you took forever bro"
"Yeah well I was talking to my girlfriend" I spat out Jaden gave me a wired look "oh u have girlfriend ? "Austin asked "yea he is totally obsessed with I mean I don't blame him she is super beautiful, talanted,kind I mean if he wasn't dating her I would " Jaden said
I have him a death stare I mean I my eyes could kill he would be one dead mother fucker "What is her name ?" Austin asked "oh it -y" Jaden was saying but I cat him off " shut up "
"K dude relax he just ask d her name no need to be so possessive" he said
I looked at Austin and "Her name is
y/n" I said.
"Cute name " Austin said with a creepy smile I just nodded and told Jaden that" I am going home "
"Dude how are you gonna go home "
'uber" I answer he sensed there was something wrong and told me "I will come with you ".
"What dude I thought you were gonna stay the night" Austin said
"Sorry bruh but I gotta go "jaden said we went downstairs and to tell me parents we are leaving"you sure you want leave? Jaden you were so excited to meet Austin after so long" my mom asked him and Jaden just nodded"hey if you two are going I am coming too " Jayla said
We all went outside and waited in silence as our Uber came and took ous home and we went inside Jaden than grabbed my hand and told me to sit on the couch "so what happened?"he asked me "yeah wanna you good ?" I sighed I don't know if I should tell they or not "Come one dude what happened ? "
I took a deep breath and said " Y/n"
"What does she have up do with this ?"they both asked "Her and Austin used to date not just that she abused her and she almost k-" I couldn't finish my sentence even saying it made me sick I looked Jayla and Jaden and they looked as sick as I did and Jaden finally spoke up " Can I t-talk to y/n? " I nodded and called her.

Y/n's pov
My phone ringed and it was Javon I picked it up immediately by my suprise I heard Jaden 's voice "Hey y/n Javon hmm he umm he told me what happened between you and my so called friend is it true ? " he asked I could tell he was nervous after a minute I finally spoke up " umm I am sorry to say it Jaden but yeah he really did do it "
"I am s-so sorry-y y/n that happened to you I didn't know he was like this " Jaden sounded as if he was tearing up a bit "Hey J it's fine it's not like you did any of this ". I was going to continue but javon cut me off "well I gonna go up to my room I wanna talk to y/n about something ". After a few minutes he video called me ,shit he was shirtless shut up y/n your are having serious conversation "hey you good y/n "he looked a little concerned "yeah I fine wanna it's Austin he is someone I don't ever like to even think about" I told him almost tearing up "hey don't tear n/n he isn't worth your tears "
I gave him a slight smile "Javon can we just please talk about something else ?'he gave one of this million dollar smile which I don't see a lot anymore "ofcourse "
"Hey don't you have a boxing match coming up ?" I asked him "yeah it's next week " I smiled at him that's perfect he doesn't know it but I am going next week to meet up with my cousin.i fake yawn and say "well I sorry Wanna but I really wanna go to bed " he said "it's ok darling good night" I smiled at him "night"
I hung up and went to bed

Like six days later
"Y/n ! Y/n" I felt someone walking me up "ughhh who is this ?" I asked "you forgot me already sunshine ' I immediately opened my eyes "Andrea" I hugged her Andrea waw my one of my absolute favourite cousin but she moved to Atlanta "what are you doing here I am supposed to visit you " I said laughing while still hugging her "well I wanted ti make sure you would come " .
I giggled "you crazy " I told her and she just shrugged it off "Well are you done with packing?" She asked I looked away she just rolled her eyes 'Get your luggage out let's start" as we were packing I told her a bit about Javon and his match "Omg I totally have to meet him " she said I smiled and nodded after we packed we went out and took some really cute pics for my Instagram



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Caption -two mad ass bitches on the lose @andreaaa

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Caption -two mad ass bitches on the lose @andreaaa


@onwardwanna-why was I not invited
@Jaylawaltonofficial-wanna I get but why me ?

User33-my 2 fav bitches

Sorry guys it took so fucking long for an update but here it is

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now