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Y/n's pov

"So that is what happened" I had just finished the story to Jayla and Jaden I noticed the guilty look on Jaden 's face "Jaden you know it's no your fault right ?" He didn't look up at me at simply nodded "J look at me please " I said.

He did and we made eye contact it looked as if I was about to cry but wasn't  letting himself after a few minutes he finally spoke  " Wanna " Javon looked at him "You better have beat the shit outta him or else I am gonna go and finish the job "

Javon smirked "I did and was if that fucker ever goes near n/n again you and I will go to finish up the job once and for all " listening to all of this I got little  scared, Jayla now iced the look on my face "Guys how about we all just calm down please n/n is looking a little scared right now "The both looked at  me and Wanna pulled me into his imbrace,Jayla and Jaden joined in as well "Thank you I don't know what  will do without you guys " I whispered in their ear.

Time skip to when the all calmed down and y/n got a phone call

I picked up my phone to see it was Andrea shit I forgot my had to go back to her place I quickly picked up the phone "Hey girl I am sooo sorry a lot happened here at Javon" she chucked "it's fine n/n just start packing up your clothes my mom is waiting she really wants to meet  you  " 

"Okay okay I will see you in like 10 minutes byee' 

" bye " I hung up and went up to Javon 's bathroom were my luggage was to put my stuff back inside wanna walked in and looked confused as hell "What in the world are you doing?" He asked "what does it look ? like I am packing "

" I can see but  that  but my question is why ?" 

"Gonna head over o Andrea 's now " I replied "why I thought your were gonna stay a little more " he whined and started to whine more and a little louder

"JAVON WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU WHINING I CAN HEAR YOU FROM MY ROOM !" Javon and I hear Jayla yell as she came in the closet

"N/n is leaving meee " Wanna whined again "Come on clingy boy off " Jayla said basically dragging him off me  and  than turned to me "n/n why in the world are you leaving ." I rolled my eyes at both of their behaviour "I have to go over to my cousins and her mom  misses me so I gotta go" Javon just whined "But what about the fact that I will miss you "I turned to him and replied "I will come visit you soon babe" and pecked his lips, to which he frowned and pulled me in for a  long passionate kiss  which ended hen I got a call from Jake (Andrea 's brother aka another cousin.

I walked outside and Javon helped me with my luggage  but he looked stunned when he saw Jake "N/n who is this ?" Wanna asked me my brain finally worked out what he was thinking "Oh no no no this isn't what your thinking it is he is just my cousin " he let's out a breath of relief.

Jake seeing all this smirked "yeah and anyways she is not my type either " I smacked him in the back of this head and muttered "idiot." Javon smiled at me  and kissed me good bye.Once I got into the car Jake finally spoke up "Soo Javon huh?"  I rolled my eyes "Come in Jake don't be like Nick."  He took  out a breath I didn't realise he was holding " I just don't wanna see you hurt again  and I still can believe Nick let you date again." I rolled my eyes"Look Jake it's fine Javon is not like that he is  actually  an amazing guy he even beat up Austin the other day." 

"Yeah well they all are like- Wait a minute he beat up Austin, seriously? "   I replied with a nod and a simple smile. He looked at me a little impressived, after like 10 mins we finally reach the house and Austin helped me gat my bags out of the car and got them inside.As soon as my aunt I saw me she pulled me into a tight hug "Ohh y/n it's been so long honey." As soon as she let go of me my uncle said "Ohh n/n your just like your father,never visit." I giggled at his comment I secretly loved when people said that in spite the fact the I love my mom,when people tell me I am like my uncle and dad I can't help but be happy.

"heyy n/n,come on I want my hug." I heard Andrea say, I rolled my eyes and pulled her into a tight hug."wow so she gets a hug at the get a smack on the back of my head." Jake muttered.Andrea and I  pulled away and laughed ."n/n come on I made you favourite (f/n)."my aunt told me.

Time skip to when the finished eating 

I rested on the guest bedroom 's bed scrolling on my phone when my Instagram started to blow up I checked it and I seriously couldn't believe my eyes 


Caption:Life when her is depressing as shit😖It'smey/n

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Caption:Life when her is depressing as shit😖It'smey/n

User38:Wait did they break up 


Javonwaltonfan:nah he wouldn't tag her or would he?😢

User18:nooooo my fav ship s broken 😭😭😭😭😭

Y/n'shusband:yess today is the best day of my life marry me 💍@It'Sme/n                                                  

It'smey/n:Wanna wth I was with you like 2 hours ago I just left to go to my cousins cus I am gonna stay there 

User69:oh thank god ur still together 


It'smey/n:Guys it's fine he is just being an idiot 


Onwardwanna: I am ok with that as long as I am your idiot 

That's it for this one love u all Sm 💞 


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