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Hey my javonie walton lover 💞💕 here is ur chapter six 🔪🔪🔪

So let's goooooo

Y/n's pov
"I AM SO BORED" I wined in my bed god what could I do
I got a idea 💡
"NiCkY " I yelled
"What " he shouted cause he was in the other room
"I am bored " I shouted back

No response

"FiNe I GUess I wiLL JuSt TeXt my Boyfriendddd" I wined knowing Nick will hear
He ran to my room " BOYFRIEND " he yelled confused and mad
"I Kidding " I started laughing
"Fine you wanna go to Starbucks ' he asked me
"Yasss " I started jumping on my bed
'fine get ready" he chuckled
"Yay thanks Nicky " I ran to my closest
Hmm what should I wear I started finding something with included me having to empty my whole closet and a a outfit it was a little girly but it's cute a bit revealing so I guess it was a white top and skinny jeans

"FiNe I GUess I wiLL JuSt TeXt my Boyfriendddd" I wined knowing Nick will hear He ran to my room " BOYFRIEND " he yelled confused and mad "I Kidding " I started laughing "Fine you wanna go to Starbucks ' he asked me "Yasss " I started jumping on m...

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I just got finished getting ready when I got a text from Javon
I smiled I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Oh my god why did I just think that do I like Javon?
Whatever I guess should I text him back probably not because I like him because it would be rude right ?
I can even convince my self -_-

Javon - hi ✨


Javon-what u doing ?

Me- just getting ready actually can u tell me how my outfit is I am trying something new

Javon -sure why not send it

Me-(sends the pic of the outfit)

Me-hello Javon

Me-how is it ?

Javon-umm u look amazing but don't u think the top is a bit too revealing

Me-ugh ur acting like my brother

Javon-hey u asked for my opinion and I gave it I think you looked hella nice but maybe it's a bit too revealing

I hear Nick calling my name down stairs

Me-shit I gotta go my brother is calling me

Javon- k be safe bye ✨

Me-byee 💫

I blushed he said I looked hella nice maybe I do like him I know Nick will like him as javon did tell me my outfit was a bit revealing ,wait if me and Javon date god I won't be able to leave the house without changing my clothes
Wait why and I thinking this god snap out of it Y/n
I ran down stairs
Nick looked up at me as soon as he did he said only one word
"Change" he said looking at me dead in the eyes
"God you are just like wanna hw literally told me the same thing" I mistakenly blurred out Shit

"Wanna?' he asked me
"Who is he ,is he the guy you texted that's his name that is a weird name Y/n M/n l/n you better tell me everything now " he said

"Ok how about this you ask me questions and I answer them " I said

"Fine what 's this wanna 's real name ?" He asked me first

"His name is Javon Walton his middle name is wanna so that's is his nickname"

He nodded
"What does he do like is he a celebrity ir something?"

"Yeah remember that show euphoria he acted in that and some other shows he is also a boxer" I said honestly I did all this so he won't research everything about wanna and go to murder him

"Ok finally did he really tell you to change " he asked me with a smirk
I rolled my eyes and showed him our chat
"Hmm he seems like a ok guy so I won't murder him" he said smiling at me like what he just said was normal
I signed
"Can we go now " I asked him
"Ya sure let's go for coffee"

Javon 's pov
"JAVON WANNA WALTON WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" she shouted at me snapping me out of it , I have been thinking about y/n and the outfit she wore for the past well hour
"W-what a-are yo-u talking about-t " I stuttered
"Look down " she told me
It looked like there was some water spilled on the table

"Did u spill something " I asked her confused

She looked at me like I was dumb
well I do kind of feel dumb
"Did not know you had a drooling problem "
My eyes widened god I must look stupid right now
"Hey Y/n looks hot in this post " she said smirking
"Show me " I said and got on top of her to see her phone
"Ok ok I will showing it you just get off me " she said
I got off her I know what it looks like I have to self respect but even though I don't know Y/n that well she is an amazing girl and I think I kinda have a crush on her but I haven't admitted it yet.

"See" jayla showed me the post


Caption - the food here is amazing 🤪 with @Nickl/n

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Caption - the food here is amazing 🤪 with @Nickl/n

Jayla was not kidding she looked so hot I licked my lips
"Please don't start drooling again" she said smirking
"Shut up" told her and out up
I need to do something I can't get Y/n out of my head I started to watch some tiktoks I heard Jayal say "shit
y/n " I tired my head up to her
"Huh what did you say " I asked her
"N-nothing " she was nervous huh ?
"Tell me what is up with y/n now Jayla" I said forcing a smile
She said and said " y/n just said on her live that in her new album she wrote a song for a guy she thinks she has feelings for " she told
What who is this guy I started to overthink what if she got a boyfriend if she will never talk to me again wait a minute didn't she tell she had written a song for me does she like me too I mean we both know I like her but I didn't know she liked me back
"Why are you smiling like an idiot I thought you would be mad " sh told me making me realise that I have been smiling
" No it's just went we accidentally texted each other she had writer's block and later on she told she wrote a song about it ' I admitted still smile as an idiot I am sure
" Yas my ship is saling Y/nJavon (urs and javon's ship name) but if you all break up I am so setting her up with Jaden " she said told me seriously
"I would never let her go " I said honestly

Hope y'all have have a good day please vote and comment guys 🖤✨

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