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New cover !!!!!
Not gonna lie I got it from Pinterest
credits to who made it cause I am sorry I can't find the user

New cover !!!!!Not gonna lie I got  it from Pinterest credits to who made it cause I am sorry I can't find the user

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But I love it too much to not use it 😭

Also happy birthday to Javon wanna walton he is gonna be 17 HBD!!!! 💃🕺💃🕺💃
On with the tHe chAPter

Y/n 's pov

It's almost time for the show I am freaking nervous come on I have done so many shows this month but Javon wanna walton is watching my crush is going to be there . After we are supposed to go on a date I can't believe he asked me out.
I was currently warming up I know I know it is pretty late right but I have been practicing since the last 30 minutes I am nervous today Javon and his sister is gonna listen to my new song and he will mostly think I am obsessed with him wait what if he hates it and cancels in the date
"Y/N" I heard Nick say
"What Nick what huh what in the world do you want can't you see I am stressed" I snapped
"Wow calm down girl why are you so stressed " he said
I didn't respond and started to practice again he went out and came back in with some spaghetti my favourite
"Here eat Y/n " he said placing the spaghetti on the table beside me
I say down and started to eat my spaghetti why was delicious by the way
"So..." He started
"So what ? " I asked
"Why were you acting like that and don't tell me it was just because you were hungry because we both know in that case you won't tell me to leave you alone you will tell me to get you food or you will kill" he stated
I took a deep breath and let it out


"English please and not your weird language" he rolled his eyes

I sighed this is gonna be hard
"That boy I was talking about Javon he is coming today to my show as he lives in Atlanta obviously and I wrote that song about him and today I met him and we kinda umm kissandheaskefmeout" I mixed up the last part
"Come again?" Nick said
"That boy- " I got interrupted by Nick
"No the last part " he said forcing a smile
"We kinda kissed and he asked me out- and I was interrupted again
"His address and/or phone number" Nick stated seriously
"Nick I am not gonna let you beat him up he is a nice guy and I ll ikr him and if you promise me not to kill him than when he comes tonight maybe you can meet him after the show " I tried to convince him
"Fine I promise " he said
"Thank you"
"Y/n it's time to get you ready" my stylist told me
I got my amazing outfit which my amazing stylist Shelly had chosen for me

I sighed this is gonna be hard "That boy I was talking about Javon he is coming today to my show as he lives in Atlanta obviously and I wrote that song about him and today  I met him and we kinda umm kissandheaskefmeout" I mixed up the last part"C...

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It was a deep blue dress I loved
it Shelly knows everything about me so she knew how excited I was for this performance she worked ger magic with my hair and make up I love this look it made me feel as I am woman I ofcourse I know I am but I felt it if you know what I mean I took a deep breath and they took me I was on in a few minutes I walked on the stage I looked around

"Hi Atlanta I am so excited to do this show but sad as this is my last show " I said
They all started to cheer
"So I wrote this this little song song called wrong number hope y'all injoy "
They all cheered but this time louder than ever

Time skip srry

Javon ' s pov
She was amazed her voice and that girls hips don't lie god I can't believe she wrote a song for me, ME!
it was amazing Y/n gave us back stage passes.
Me and Jayla went back stage she was hugging and talking to her fans and taking her time she is just perfect she is talanted, beautiful, smart.

When she saw she came over to hug me.
"Hey wanna can you just wait in my dressing room" she told me
I went over to the dressing room and after a while jayla went home
She came in looking exhausted
"Hey " she said and smiles
"Hi you looke tired " I said
She just nodded
I opened my arms she hugged me and sat on my lap and she fell asleep
I looked at her and smile
Aww even her snores are cute
"Hey y/n let's go home " I guy came in our the room "who are you ? " He asked me "who are you ? " I asked him
"I am her brother you must be Javon right? " he answer
"Yeah I am Javon" I answer
"Why is my sister on your lap and just so you know did you try anything or hurt my sister I Will Come After YOU! He said seriously
"Look I will never ever hurt her really like her and I will be an freaking idiot
to hurt her " I honestly said
"Hmm I like you but remember my warning " he told me
"Hmm " shit y/n woke up
"Javon we can be just go out tomorrow or something cause I am tired as shit " she muttered
"Ofcourse we can y/n you want me to drop you to your hotel room or something? " I asked her
'yes please " she smiled
I drove her and Nick and Nick was Just as tired as y/n. Once we reached y/n feel asleep and Nick went to his room as he had an important call it some I carried her bridal style she stuffed her face in my chest.
She told me her room no and gave me her key.
I layed her on her bed I was about to leave cause I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
"No stay" she heald on to my hand
"You sure you want me to stay " I asked biting my lip
"Yes now get you ass in the bed " he told me
Her was so cute when she is sleeping
"Ok" I chuckled
I layed next to her and gave her space but y/n hugged me we started to cuddle I took out my phone and took a picture and posted it in Instagram


caption: Isn't she perfect the answer is yes

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caption: Isn't she perfect the answer is yes

User38 - she is perfect
Yes she is

Y/n's husband-she is mine
Keep dreaming

Javonwannafan- y/n and you are adorable
Ik we are


Hope y'all like it pls comments and vote 4 meee
Ta Ta 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now