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Hey guys welcome to part 5 pls vote and comment don't be a silent reader it always helps me
Anyways on with the story Line

Y/n's pov
I was in the studio me and javon have not talked in a while because I was too busy so I texted him and he texted me back immediately


Javon - hiiiii

Me-whats up

Javon-nothing just my practice is about to start

Me-oh u box right

Javon- ya oh srry gotta go 😔

Me-np bye 🙃🙂

I sighed I hate to admit it but I missed him you know what I ain't go just sit here mama didn't raise no bitch

I got up and wore this outfit

🌼If u don't like just imagine something else 🌼

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🌼If u don't like just imagine something else 🌼

I went to Nick's room "woah woah woah woah woah what are you wearing" he said
" Can you drop me at the mall " I asked him
"In that " he asked me

"Yes Nick and no I am not changing it is with or without you' I told him

"Fine I will drop you there but who are you going with ? " He asked me agreeing at the end

"No one I am going alone " I told him

"You what me to come with you" Nick said

"Nah I wanna ba Alone to be honest " I said

"Fine..." He sighed

I went to the mall and took some pictures for Instagram and did some shopping ate bla, bla ,ect, ect.

I was ordering some food from subway when I bumped into someone

"OMG I am so srry- I said and looked up to see

My heart stoped it can't be after so much time he is back

"Hey y/n" he said smirking

"Leave me alone" I told him

"Whatever you want you what princess see you around babe" he said and walked out
I can't believe he is back
I ate by food and walked out there I came here to feel free but I just saw the biggest burden ever ugh why is my luck like this
I was done shopping and all but I didn't want to go home so i called an Uber and went to Kathrine 's ,my bestie's house we have not seen each other in ages ok well it was yesterday but that is a very very long time . I got out of the and ran the bell she opened the door we both hugged each other
"OMG Y/N I MISSED YOU SO MUCH " she said hugging me tightly
"I missed you too" I said
"Girl let's do face masks" she said
"Yass let's go" we ran upstairs

Wrong Number - JAVON WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now