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Y/n's pov
"What do I wear "I said to Kathrine we were video calling to figure out what I will wear on my date with Javon.
"So where is this guy taking you ? " Kathrine asked
"I don't really know now that I think about it he just told me to be ready by 8 ughh why are guys like this " I complained
"Kat what do I dooo"

" N/n I am so sorry but I have the go my mom is calling me " she told and hung up.

I heard a knock on my door
"Come in " I said
"N/n what are you doing?" Nick said coming into the room
"Picking out what to wear in my date "I told him
"Ok let me help " he said "so how does this work
"So I have no idea where I am going as wanna wanted to suprise me " I explained
"I can try a few outfits and you can tell me which one should I wear "
"Works"Nick shrugged
my outfit was always too short or too
tight or too little or too much the list never ended.
I went inside this is the last outfit after this I literally don't care what happens

This one it's actually really cute I went out side to show Nick Nick looked up from his phone"Nope "he said I took the pillow beside me and threw it at him "oh N/n you dead now" I warnedWe broke into a pillow fight and I ofcourse won and Nick bein...

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This one it's actually really cute I went out side to show Nick
Nick looked up from his phone
"Nope "he said I took the pillow beside me and threw it at him "oh N/n you dead now" I warned
We broke into a pillow fight and I ofcourse won and Nick bein the sore loser he is stuck his tongue out and went to his room like he is an 2 year old.
I went inside to do my hair that was a mess because of me and my brother 's pillow fight.
I was in the middle of doing my hair when I got a text from Javon

Javon-hey 💞

Me-hi :)

Javon-so ready for our date ?

Me- almost yea

Javon -Jayla is trying to pluck my eyebrows so I am kinda hiding 😅😅

Me-haha I am just doing my hair my brother made me change my outfit like 15 times it either to short, tight or whatever

Javon- I have a feeling that he does not like me

Me-bruh my brother is very protective last boy who tried to ask me out and wasn't taking no for a f* answer well I really can't remember what happened to him

Javon - ok now I am scared 😳

Me- nah don't be I think he likes you

Javon- that's a relief shit gotta go I think Jayla found me will pick you up in half an hour so about at 8 bye 💫

Me-k bye

I got my hair done and make up I called Katherine to show my outfit
"Girl if I were I guy I would have had you pregnant by now " Katherine told me
I just laughed
"Aww I love you too Kat " I said blowing a flying kiss at the camera

"Bye babe love you " she said and hung up
I heard a knock on the door and went to open it to see Javon looking amazing in a black hoodie and pants with a bunch flowers in his hands
"Wow you look amazing" he said and took my hand amd kissed it
I giggle and took the flowers
"Thanks handsome"
We walked just to bump into my brother
He looked at Javon and said "Back by Max 11 and not touching 6 feet people "
Me and wanna looked at each other and ran towards the exit I got in his car he puts some music on and we both started to sing I suddenly stop to realise that he stopped and was staring at me
"What why are you looking at me like that ?" I asked
"How can a person be ao beautiful and talanted at the same time " javon replied
I started to blush so hard and hid my face in my hands
He held me hand and driving with the other one he told me "never hide that beautiful face of you okay"
I nodded.
"We are here n/n but wait don't get out of the car " he told me
He ran to the passenger side and puts a blindfolded over my eyes
"Hey how am I gonna see now" I wined
"In a minute y/n" he whispered in my ear which caused me to get goosebumps.
"Aww I make nervous" he teased
"Shut up and take this blindfolded off me " I told him
He chuckled and slowly took the blindfolded off I opened my eyes I saw a hill top with fairy lights and a picnic.
"You did this ? " I was amazed
"Why you don't like it " he bit his lip
"No no I love it, it's amazing Javon " I threw my arms around him

Javon's pov
I was so glad she liked it I have been working my ass off to make sure we have the perfect date . I asked Nick what type of things she likes to eat and her dream date and made this whole date perfect.
We both sat down
"You look gorgeous" I mistakenly said out loud
"Thanks "she smiled Oh my god
She is adorable.

We started to eat some of the chocolate covered strawberries while she was eating one she moaned god I am getting hard

"What why are you looking at me like that " she asked confused

No questions asked I kissed her teh kiss was passionate and full of love
We pulled apart and just laughed
We started to talk about school and how boring that shit is.
And the story in how she got into the singing industry and that she also acted
"I knew it where have I seen you " I asked her
"Hmm I don't know " she just smirked
"Come on..." I wined
"You will just have to find out won't you " she smiled and kissed my cheek
"So what about your family " I asked
"Well I have a mom and brother my dad died before I was even born so I never had a change to get to know him let alone miss him me my mom and brother lived with my uncle till at fourteen I got famous and moved out " she explained
"Oh I am so sorry about your father "I honestly said
"It'fine like I said I never even knew him " she replied with a smile
"People say I am just like him "

" Than I am sure he was an amazing person" I said

We both started to talk some more as we never ran out of things to talk about she just so interesting and treats me like I am normal
She looked at her phone " shit it' 10 my brother is gonna kill me a have a flight tomorrow" she said
"Shit umm come on let's go " I said getting up and gave her my hand
She smiled and took it just as we got up it started to rain or I just didn't notice it before I mean a girl like y/n is here why will I notice anything else
We ran for the car but had gotten wet anyways
"Shit y/n I am so sorry " I apologise
She just laughed "come on let's play around a little bit I love the rain "

We did we danced in the rain and she kissed me and than broke apart I was kinda disappointed.
She came closer and whispered in my ear "catch me " and ran
I ran as fast as I could bust she suddenly disappeared
"Boo" she came up behind me
"Y/n you scared me what if you had gotten hurt " I looked at her to see if she wasn't hurt or anything
"Boo hoo I am fin- "she was cut off by her sneezing
"Come on crazy let's go looks like you caught a cold " I took her in the car and gave her a blanket which was lying in the back seat
"We are here you want me to come in with you " I asked her
"Nah I am good "she said that and went inside

I than went home took a quick shower and looked at my phone with a notification from y/n



Y/n-i loved today thanks

Me- I love today too wanna do this again tomorrow

Y/n- no I can't

Me-oh srry

Y/n-no not like that I am going to la tommorow

Me-thank god I thought I did something wrong

Y/n- nah you good gn gotta go pack

Me-hi ok gn

Srry for the late update pls vote and comment ✨

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